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dc.contributor.authorCapanegra, Ana I.
dc.description.abstractThe present research aims to gauge novice college Spanish students’ perceptions of blended courses to help the design and teaching of blended learning. Blended learning shifts from teacher-centered classes to a learner-centered focus (Hartman, Dziuban & Moskal, 1999; Morgan 2002). There is also more emphasis on peer-to-peer learning (Collis, 2003) since information can be easily shared. The participants of the study had no prior experience taking blended courses. The 14 participants were given an anonymous questionnaire at the end of the semester to explore their perceptions of hybrid learning in order to enhance the set-up of the courses. The questionnaire consisted of open- and closedended questions. The findings of the study revealed moderately positive attitudes towards blended courses. Finally, after analyzing the participants’ discourse, some suggestions for the design and instruction of future blended courses were outlined, especially for novice foreign language learners.en_US
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultacs_CZ
dc.sourceStudie z aplikované lingvistiky - Studies in Applied Linguistics, 2018, 9, 1, 7-22cs_CZ
dc.subjectblended leaningen_US
dc.subjectface-to-face instructionen_US
dc.subjectforeign language teachingen_US
dc.subjecthybrid teachingen_US
dc.subjectnovice learnersen_US
dc.titleExploring the Perceptions of Novice Spanish Students in Blended Coursesen_US
dc.typeVědecký článekcs_CZ
dc.typeResearch Articleen_US
dcterms.isPartOf.nameStudie z aplikované lingvistiky - Studies in Applied Linguisticscs_CZ

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