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The Structure of the Authority of the Teacher in Communication with Pupils
dc.contributor.advisorRendl, Miroslav
dc.creatorFrancová, Veronika
dc.description.abstractThe goal of the thesis is to clarify a problem of what we call Teachers' authority. In Czech language the term "Authority" is usually used in the meaning of power or respect the teacher has among pupils. In general we can say that the meaning of the term is rather indefinite. This thesis mainly focuses on the form of communication between teacher and class. Therefore the authority is regarded as the result of organization of competencies, bounds and relations in the area of teacher-pupils contact. The teacher-pupil interaction is considered as a system in all the meanings of this term. Through the teacher-pupils' interaction the communication circle is formed. Every single connection of the class with a teacher creates a unique and compact communication circle where the communication rules are discussed. In this thesis, authority is rather regarded as the mutual negotiation resulting in the final (but still changing) organization of rules and relations within the communication circle. The thesis consists of presentation of the basic theoretical sources, the analysis of the field survey data and discussion about the conclusions. It explores the communication between teacher and class in the eighth class of elementary school. I visited one class - collaborating with three teachers - within one school-year....cs_CZ
dc.description.abstractThe goal of the thesis is to clarify a problem of what we call Teachers' authority. In Czech language the term "Authority" is usually used in the meaning of power or respect the teacher has among pupils. In general we can say that the meaning of the term is rather indefinite. This thesis mainly focuses on the form of communication between teacher and class. Therefore the authority is regarded as the result of organization of competencies, bounds and relations in the area of teacher-pupils contact. The teacher-pupil interaction is considered as a system in all the meanings of this term. Through the teacher-pupils' interaction the communication circle is formed. Every single connection of the class with a teacher creates a unique and compact communication circle where the communication rules are discussed. In this thesis, authority is rather regarded as the mutual negotiation resulting in the final (but still changing) organization of rules and relations within the communication circle. The thesis consists of presentation of the basic theoretical sources, the analysis of the field survey data and discussion about the conclusions. It explores the communication between teacher and class in the eighth class of elementary school. I visited one class - collaborating with three teachers - within one school-year....en_US
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakultacs_CZ
dc.titleKonstrukce autority učitele v komunikaci se žákycs_CZ
dc.typediplomová prácecs_CZ
dc.description.departmentKatedra psychologiecs_CZ
dc.description.facultyPedagogická fakultacs_CZ
dc.description.facultyFaculty of Educationen_US
dc.title.translatedThe Structure of the Authority of the Teacher in Communication with Pupilsen_US
dc.contributor.refereePavelková, Isabella
thesis.degree.disciplinePsychologie a speciální pedagogikacs_CZ
thesis.degree.disciplinePsychology and Special Pedagogyen_US
uk.thesis.typediplomová prácecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-csPedagogická fakulta::Katedra psychologiecs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.csPedagogická fakultacs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.enFaculty of Educationen_US
uk.degree-discipline.csPsychologie a speciální pedagogikacs_CZ
uk.degree-discipline.enPsychology and Special Pedagogyen_US
uk.abstract.csThe goal of the thesis is to clarify a problem of what we call Teachers' authority. In Czech language the term "Authority" is usually used in the meaning of power or respect the teacher has among pupils. In general we can say that the meaning of the term is rather indefinite. This thesis mainly focuses on the form of communication between teacher and class. Therefore the authority is regarded as the result of organization of competencies, bounds and relations in the area of teacher-pupils contact. The teacher-pupil interaction is considered as a system in all the meanings of this term. Through the teacher-pupils' interaction the communication circle is formed. Every single connection of the class with a teacher creates a unique and compact communication circle where the communication rules are discussed. In this thesis, authority is rather regarded as the mutual negotiation resulting in the final (but still changing) organization of rules and relations within the communication circle. The thesis consists of presentation of the basic theoretical sources, the analysis of the field survey data and discussion about the conclusions. It explores the communication between teacher and class in the eighth class of elementary school. I visited one class - collaborating with three teachers - within one school-year....cs_CZ
uk.abstract.enThe goal of the thesis is to clarify a problem of what we call Teachers' authority. In Czech language the term "Authority" is usually used in the meaning of power or respect the teacher has among pupils. In general we can say that the meaning of the term is rather indefinite. This thesis mainly focuses on the form of communication between teacher and class. Therefore the authority is regarded as the result of organization of competencies, bounds and relations in the area of teacher-pupils contact. The teacher-pupil interaction is considered as a system in all the meanings of this term. Through the teacher-pupils' interaction the communication circle is formed. Every single connection of the class with a teacher creates a unique and compact communication circle where the communication rules are discussed. In this thesis, authority is rather regarded as the mutual negotiation resulting in the final (but still changing) organization of rules and relations within the communication circle. The thesis consists of presentation of the basic theoretical sources, the analysis of the field survey data and discussion about the conclusions. It explores the communication between teacher and class in the eighth class of elementary school. I visited one class - collaborating with three teachers - within one school-year....en_US
uk.grantorUniverzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakulta, Katedra psychologiecs_CZ

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