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The view of peasant scribes and in particular F. J. Vavák in Czech historiography in the 1930s and 1940s
dc.contributor.authorPánek, Tomáš
dc.description.abstractThe study analyses the concepts of peasant scribes and in particular F. J. Vavák in the works byZdeněk Kalista, František Kutnar and Bedřich Slavík in the period of the Second Republic and thefirst years of the Nazi occupation. It notes the broader temporal factors influencing their interpretations,and the sources they drew on in formulating their theses.en
dc.description.abstractThe study analyses the concepts of peasant scribes and in particular F. J. Vavák in the works byZdeněk Kalista, František Kutnar and Bedřich Slavík in the period of the Second Republic and thefirst years of the Nazi occupation. It notes the broader temporal factors influencing their interpretations,and the sources they drew on in formulating their theses.en]
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta
dc.titlePojetí selských písmáků, a zvláště F. J. Vaváka českým dějepisectvím na přelomu třicátých a čtyřicátých let 20. stoletícs
dc.typeČlánek v periodikucs
dc.title.translatedThe view of peasant scribes and in particular F. J. Vavák in Czech historiography in the 1930s and 1940sen
dcterms.isPartOf.nameHistorie – Otázky – Problémy (History, Issues, Problems)cs_CZ
dc.subject.keywordhistory of historiographyen
dc.subject.keywordCzech historiographyen
dc.subject.keywordFrantišek Jan Vaváken
dc.subject.keywordSecond Republicen
dc.subject.keywordNazi occupationen

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