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From a historic village to an industrial centre: transformations of a settlement in the 18th and 19th century taking the example of the village of Zborowskie in Upper Silesia and local manufactory producing stoneware smoking pipes
dc.contributor.authorGrabny, Barbara
dc.description.abstractThe study tries to describe the transformations of a village called Zborowskie in the Liswartariver basin in the south-east frontier part of Upper Silesia. This village was probably founded inthe late Middle Ages as a dependant village (though it was transformed relatively soon into a demesne).A pivotal moment in its history that rapidly changed its appearance, both in terms of spatialarrangement and social structure, was the establishment of a manufactory producing stonewaresmoking pipes in 1753, in parallel with the intensive German colonisation of Upper Silesia.A new site was reserved for the purposes of the manufactory and Western experts were called in.Archaeological research conducted in 2013 and 2014 revealed the size of the former manufactoryand corrected the original supposition about the origin of the wooden structure that had beenregarded as a factory building from the 18th century: After the explorations it was described asa residential building designed for more families (known as czworak, square-shaped) from the19th centuryen
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta
dc.titleOd wsi tradycyjnej do ośrodka produkcyjnego.XVIII- i XIX-wieczne przemiany w strukturzeosadnictwa na przykładzie wsi Zborowskiena Górnym Śląsku i tamtejszej fabrykifajek glinianychpl
dc.typeČlánek v periodikucs
dc.title.translatedFrom a historic village to an industrial centre: transformations of a settlement in the 18th and 19th century taking the example of the village of Zborowskie in Upper Silesia and local manufactory producing stoneware smoking pipesen
dcterms.isPartOf.nameHistorie – Otázky – Problémy (History, Issues, Problems)cs_CZ
dc.subject.keywordcolonisation of Frederic the Greaten
dc.subject.keywordiron and steel settlementsen
dc.subject.keywordforest settlementsen
dc.subject.keywordiron and steel industry along Liswarta riveren
dc.subject.keywordiron and steel industry along Mała Panwia riveren
dc.subject.keywordsmoking pipe factory in Zborowskie villageen

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