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For the Discharge of his Christian Duty in Constantinople: Jan Rejchart Štampach of Štampach and his Album Amicorum as Extraordinary Proof of an Extraordinary Journey
dc.contributor.authorRyantová, Marie
dc.description.abstractThis study focuses on one of the members of Friedrich Kreckwitzʼs delegation, Jan Rejchart Štampach of Štampach, who was led to visit Constantinople for personal reasons. After he had discharged his obligations Štampach returned home in early 1592 together with the retinue of orator Bartoloměj Pezzen. In addition to passages in Diadoch by Bartoloměj Paprocký and in the family chronicle, this previously unknown album amicorum is a valuable testament to Štampachʼs journey to Constantinople and his stay there.en
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta
dc.titleZa splněním křesťanské povinnosti do Konstantinopole: Jan Rejchart Štampach ze Štampachu a jeho památník jako mimořádný doklad z mimořádné cestycs
dc.typeČlánek v periodikucs
dc.title.translatedFor the Discharge of his Christian Duty in Constantinople: Jan Rejchart Štampach of Štampach and his Album Amicorum as Extraordinary Proof of an Extraordinary Journeyen
dcterms.isPartOf.nameHistorie – Otázky – Problémy (History, Issues, Problems)cs_CZ
dc.subject.keywordImperial delegationsen
dc.subject.keywordFriedrich Kreckwitz|s delegation Václav Vratislav of Mitroviceen
dc.subject.keywordJan Rejchart Štampach of Štampachen
dc.subject.keywordautograph book or album amicorumen
dc.subject.keywordand silhoueæe paperen
dc.subject.keywordillustrations of everyday life in Turkeyen
dc.subject.keywordOttoman Empireen

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