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The Parallel to the Görlitz Duchy? The Family Politics of Matthias Corvinus in Upper Silesia
dc.contributor.authorČapský, Martin
dc.description.abstractThe article is dedicated to the politics of Matthias Corvinus in Upper Silesia, namely to his attempt to establish a new family domain there. He intended to hand down the new domain to his illegitimate son John Corvinus. The authors try to answer the question whether the establishment of this domain was solely Corvinusʼ reaction to the politics of the local dukes, or whether it was a well-planned power strategy and the goal was to gain supremacy over the strategic space on the borders of three kingdoms — Bohemia, Poland and Hungary.en
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta
dc.titleParalela ke zhořeleckému vévodství? K rodové politice Matyáše Korvína v Horním Slezskucs
dc.typeČlánek v periodikucs
dc.title.translatedThe Parallel to the Görlitz Duchy? The Family Politics of Matthias Corvinus in Upper Silesiaen
dcterms.isPartOf.nameHistorie – Otázky – Problémy (History, Issues, Problems)cs_CZ
dc.subject.keywordMiddle Agesen
dc.subject.keywordadministrative historyen
dc.subject.keywordMatthias Corvinusen
dc.subject.keywordUpper Silesiaen

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