Zahraničné investície a corporate governance prípadová štúdia podniku Východoslovenské železiarne, a.s.
Foreign investments and corporate governance : the case study of Východoslovenské železiarne, a.s.
Bakalářská práce
Issue Date
2003Keywords (Czech)
Bakalářská práce, Ekonomika slovenská, Investice zahraniční, Práce bakalářské, Studie případová, privatizaceThe paper is dealing with corporate governance mechanisms in a company during the period of economic transformation in the Slovak republic. The aim of the paper is by means of the analytical framework and the case study of the company Východoslovenské železiarne, a.s. to describe the development and functioning of the corporate governance institutions at the company level and to analyse the influence of foreign investments on corporate governance. Different development of the company in two consecutive periods afforded opportunity for a comparison of particular aspects of corporate governance and an analysis of impact of foreign investments on these aspects.