Zkvalitnění výuky volejbalu na základní škole
Improving of guality volleyball in basic school
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
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Study Information System: 73830
- Kvalifikační práce [18635]
Pokorný, Ladislav
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Education
Biology, Geology and Environmental Studies Oriented at Education - Physical Education and Sport Oriented at Education
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Date of defense
25. 5. 2009
Univerzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakultaLanguage
Very good
Volejbal je jedním z nejčastěji hraných sportů u nás. Setkáváme se s ním v různých podobách. Ať jsou to sportovní kluby, zájmové kroužky dětí, ale i taková pěkná "česká plácaná", která se hraje na jakémkoliv hřišti s různým počtem hráčů. Vždyť i takovou tu "plácanou" můžeme vidět na dovolené na plážích, v kempech apod. V dnešní době se totiž stává velmi populárním plážový volejbal.
My work is about improving of volleyball quality on basic school. Eight months I worked in basic school where I tested girls from 8th and 9th classes. I worked up the the methodic progress to improving lessons of volleyball. I ordered and worked up the questionnaire for teachers and pupils. I active participated in lessons, because I have been playing volleyball for twelve years and I was motivation and model for girls. Majority of girls improved their volleyball skills, girls tried hard. Several girls entered to local volleyball team. I think that my work completed a goal, the girls improved their volleyball skills, they acquired more informations about volleyball. In questionnaire I wanted to find out how girls like volleyball, what they know about volleyball rules, how often girls play volleyball in lessons at school and how much is volleyball prefer by teachers.