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dc.contributor.authorKubinský, Daniel
dc.contributor.authorWeis, Karol
dc.coverage.spatialHalčianska vodná nádrž (Slovensko)cs
dc.description.abstractThe paper deals with changes in water volumes contained in the Halčiansky water reservoir as a result of sedimentation and aggradation of bed loads and wash loads to the area of a water reservoir by the influence of erosive activity of tributaries in the watershed. The results of a comparison of two 3D models, one for the year 1908, created from historic documentation, and the other for year 2010, created from collection of data in the field, have shown a reduction in the volume of water totaling 35,874 m3, which represents the volume of sediments accumulated over the period of 102 years. Modern surveying technology and numerical modeling of the selected watershed surface area have been used for the determination of the changes in water volume. Analysis of secondary landscape structures, slope and empirical knowledge were performed in basin areas prone to erosion, in order to further the understanding of factors contributing to the erosion of the material. Water management, forestry, agriculture and population level, build-up of the area have all been identified as contributing elements, alongside other factors.sk
dc.titleAnalýza zmien objemu Halčianskej vodnej nádrže vplyvom erózie ako podklad pre manažment v povodísk
dc.typePříspěvek v časopisucs
dcterms.isPartOf.nameGeografie. Sborník České geografické společnostisk

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