Peat bogs influence on runoff process : case study of the Vydra and Křemelná River basins in the Bohemian Forest, southwestern Czechia =Vliv rašelinišť na odtokový proces : případová studie povodí Vydry a Křemelné na Šumavě (jihozápadní Česko)
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Specific part of wide complex of preventive measures against floods and extreme droughts could be procedures realized in river headstream areas. In order to increase a water retention in headwaters the detailed analysis of peat bogs hydrological function needs to be carried out. Suitable conditions for the research realization at present is related to an existence of several automatic water level gauges and utilization of modern equipment and methods in experimental catchments the Otava River headstream area, representing the core zone of a number of extreme floods in Central Europe. Thorough analyses of extreme runoff phases show more distinct discharge variability of streams draining peat -and localities. For the retention potential assessment the detailed measurement of potential accumulation reservoirs, bathymetric mapping of bog pools and the detailed analysis of snow conditions as an important component of a rainfall-runoff process in Headwaters is being pursued. The final part of the paper is consisted of suggestions of several unforceable measures implementation that could contribute to reduction of peak flows and to increase of water resources during extreme droughts in future.