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dc.contributor.authorKolejka, Jaromír
dc.contributor.authorPetch, James
dc.description.abstractAerial colour slides taken from a radio-controlled plane are at present the most intensively used remotely sensed material. The Institute of Geography CSAV at Brno (Czechoslovakia) has a long tradition in remote sensing using RC model airplanes. An important part of the image material is of areas of complex water management in South Moravia. Modem techniques of digital image processing provide the potential tor quicker, more complete, more subtle and more efficient analysis of slides. The Department of Geography, University of Saltord, Great Britain, pouses a powerful GEMS 35 image processing system which allows testing of a range of image processing methods. It was used in digital analyses of aerial colour slides of a water body to test both the evaluation of the suitability of slides tor the detection of river-bed phenomena, and the efficiency of different processing methodscs
dc.titleGeografické vyhodnocení digitalizovaných leteckých snímků vodních objektů =Geographical evaluation of digitized air photography of a water bodycs
dc.typePříspěvek v časopisucs
dcterms.isPartOf.nameSborník Československé geografické společnostics

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