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dc.contributor.authorSeidlová, Markéta
dc.contributor.authorUrban, Michal
dc.description.abstractIn international migration, economic reasons are usually the most important factor while taking decision to move into another country. The Romanians were chosen to make a comparison of migrant’s strategies in three European capitals - London, Paris and Rome. A questionnaire method was used as the main research tool and questioning of fifty people in each city was focused on job market, family, lifestyle and transnationalisation. The results of the study give an insight into everyday life of immigrants, challenges they meet, their desires and their perceptions of the life in motion. Surprisingly, at least half of the respondents said that they were not sending earned money back to Romania. The indecisiveness in terms of returning back to the country of origin indicates satisfaction with this life. The circulatory migration between Romania and the studied countries is likely to continue. Further research could focus on a particular aspect of the imigrants livesen
dc.titleThe economic migration in contemporary world - an explorative analysis of migration and integration behaviour of the Romanians in Paris, London and Romeen
dc.typePříspěvek v časopisucs
dcterms.isPartOf.nameActa Universitatis Carolinae. Geographicaen
dc.subject.keywordeuropean metropolisesen
dc.subject.keywordintegration of immigrantsen
dc.subject.keywordRomanian emigrationen
dc.subject.keywordcircular migrationen

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