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(Re)presentation of Bohemian kings in sacral art and architecture in Upper and Lower Lusatia
dc.contributor.authorWinzeler, Marius
dc.description.abstractIn the context of the Lands of the Bohemian Crown it was only in Upper Lusatia, and specifically in Bautzen, that medieval figural portraits of medieval and early Modern Age rulers survived, namely Matthias Corvinus and Rudolf II. Likewise, in different towns of the Lusatian League Bohemian kings’ coats of arms also survived to this day in diverse forms. The rulers left their marks on sacral architecture, too, which we can document with busts in Saint Nicolas Church in the Lower Lusatian town of Luckau or with keystones of Görlitz churches, as well as the overall building conception and the individual architectural details of the buildings (portals, vaults, cantilevers, ornamental decorations). The visual heritage of the Bohemian ruling power is in both Lusatias, and more particularly in Upper Lusatia, often surprisingly rich.en]
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta
dc.titleZur (Re-)Präsentation der böhmischen Könige in der sakralen Kunst und Architektur in den Lausitzende
dc.typeVědecký článekcs
dc.title.translated(Re)presentation of Bohemian kings in sacral art and architecture in Upper and Lower Lusatiaen
dcterms.isPartOf.nameHistorie – Otázky – Problémy (History, Issues, Problems)cs_CZ
dc.subject.keywordLower Lusatiaen
dc.subject.keywordUpper Lusatiaen
dc.subject.keywordruler’s representationen
dc.subject.keywordsacral architectureen
dc.subject.keywordSt. Nicholas’ Churchen
dc.subject.keywordOybin (Celestine Monastery)en
dc.subject.keywordGörlitz (St. Peter and St. Paul’s Church)en
dc.subject.keywordZittau (Church of Our Lady)en

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