Komplexní péče o dospívající osoby s těžkou formou DMO a přidruženým závažným mentálním postižením
Bakalářská práce
Ortová, Marie, (Thesis Advisor)
Issue Date
2005Keywords (Czech)
dětská mozková obrna, osoby s mentálním postižením, péče o lidi s postiženímThe thesis deals with complete care about adolescents with severe form of child cerebral palsy and deep mental disability. The thesis outlines problems of different areas of life of people with this disability. There are introduced educative methods in a chapter about education, and further also unusual and new forms of education. The chapter about communication is dedicated to logopaedia and alternative and augmentative communication. Next part describes various methods of rehabilitation like reflex locomotion, Bobath concept, SRT, hippotherapy, hydrotherapy. There are mentioned work possibilities like supported employment, work in sheltered workshops, ergotherapy and day centres in the following chapter. Following part of the paper is concerned on different ways of accommodation where those people live. For example the family, institutions, family type homes, but also new forms - sheltered housing, assisted housing, personal assistance, respite care. The paper also deals with free time activities of people with disability and one part is dedicated to social and legal issue. The practical part introduces the case of 19 years old boy with severeform of child cerebral palsy and deep mental disability.