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dc.contributor.advisorRyšková, Mireia,
dc.contributor.authorCiprová, Anna
dc.description.abstractThis work compares an institutional care in the Czech Republic with an institutional care in Great Britain. More over it deals with lacks of a residential care in the Czech Republic. One of the suitable alternatives of a therapeutic care of children and young people from children’s homes is a non-governement organisation Letní dům. The civic association Letní dům is a non-government, non -profit organisation. Letní dům aims to integrate children with a problematic family background into the system of appropriate educational and socio-therapeutic care. Letní dům offers to children and young people from children’s homes the following basic forms of activities: socio-therapeutic stays, community activities, programmes of social prevention. A socio-therapeutic service for children from children’s homes includes educational and therapeutic work with children and young people within the bounds of the social-pathological education. Letní dům is focused on endangered or disadvantaged children who suffer by insufficient, inappropriate or pathological social family background. Letní dům has been creating a model of socio-therapeutical service for children and young people with a decreed institutional care in a cooperation with experts since 1997.en_US
dc.subjectLetní dům (občanské sdružení)cs_CZ
dc.subjectnáhradní rodinná péčecs_CZ
dc.subjectústavní výchovacs_CZ
dc.subjectnáhradní výchovná péčecs_CZ
dc.titleSystém náhradní výchovné péče o děti a mládež a činnost občanského sdružení Letní důmcs_CZ
dc.typeBakalářská prácecs_CZ
dc.description.facultyEvangelická teologická fakultacs_CZ
dc.subject.czenasVelká Britániecs_CZ

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