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dc.contributor.advisorRyšková, Mireia,
dc.contributor.authorAntropius, Robert
dc.description.abstractBernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153) is a complicated and controversial person. Many people know him only from the negative side of view. In fact, he is not well known at all, minimally in our area. My work brings some facts and draws up some research and conclusions, which are published in our country for the first time. I show, that Bernard was an important person in many areas. He was philosopher, theologian, monk, mystic and counsellor for kings, bishops as well as popes. Some areas of my interest are: Bernard´s basic work for new sort of religious order the Knights Templars. His famous statement about teaching of woods and stones, which does mean something different nowadays than in his era. His opinions about the fortune of the Church, which was many times used by reformers during ages. His criticism, which has a big social aspect, which is still modern. Bernard´s influence on poetry, for example one of the best works in the history of literature medieval novel Parzival about searching for Saint Gral. Bernard plays an important role in Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri. He is the only one, who can escort Dante to God and Virgin Mary. He makes also vestige in contemporary Czech poetry. Bernard is also important in relation to Thomas Merton (1915-1968) or Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179). There are some typical and interesting representations of saint Bernard. The most unusual picture is lactacio. I also tried to show Bernard’s opinions on women. His significant and not known role in old czech chronicles or architecture concludes of my work. My work could contribute to better knowledge of him. We must know about our roots. My work wants to explain also the phenomenon of saintliness on example of Bernard of Clairvaux. I want to convince of fact, that Bernard is inspirating for future too.en_US
dc.titleBernard z Clairvaux několik pohledů na jeho osobnost a dílocs_CZ
dc.typeBakalářská prácecs_CZ
dc.description.facultyEvangelická teologická fakultacs_CZ
dc.subject.czenasBernard z Clairvaux,cs_CZ

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