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dc.contributor.authorDulíková, Veronika
dc.contributor.authorBárta, Miroslav
dc.contributor.authorOdler, Martin
dc.contributor.authorPeterková Hlouchová, Marie
dc.contributor.authorSůvová, Zdeňka
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultacs_CZ
dc.sourcePražské egyptologické studie (Prague Egyptological Studies), 2018, 21, 3-33cs_CZ
dc.subjectAbusir Southcs_CZ
dc.subjectOld Kingdomcs_CZ
dc.subjectFifth Dynastycs_CZ
dc.subjectrelief decorationcs_CZ
dc.subjecttransformation of societycs_CZ
dc.subjectwooden statuecs_CZ
dc.subjectanimal bonescs_CZ
dc.titleTomb at Abusir South from a time of change belonging to Ankhires, inspector of hairdressers of the Great House (AS 98)cs_CZ
dc.typeVědecký článekcs_CZ
uk.abstract.enA new tomb (AS 98) of Ankhires, inspector of hairdressers of the Great House, was excavated at Abusir South in the autumn seasons of 2016 and 2017. The stone-built mastaba is preliminarily dated to late Fifth Dynasty, from the reign of Nyuserre to Djedkare. It has an unusual architectural plan, consisting of a corridor chapel, Rooms 1 and 2, an L-shaped chapel, two serdabs and Shaft 1. It was obviously built in two phases. The extension gave the mastaba the area of 413 m2 . In view of several facts, the tomb represents a new phenomenon not only at the Czech archaeological concession but also at the Memphite necropolis. It was surrounded by several structures including tombs (AS 101, AS 102), a technical(?) structure (AS 100) or a cultic installation (AS 99), which were also partly excavated. The work has brought to light many interesting finds, being it remains of the original wall decoration, remains of wooden statues or ecofacts. An analysis of the animal bones assemblage is also incorporated in the present study.cs_CZ
dcterms.isPartOf.namePražské egyptologické studie (Prague Egyptological Studies)cs_CZ

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