Manipulating the mammalian oocyte and embryo - Biological and epigenetic aspects
Mikromanipulace savčích oocytů a embryí - Biologické a epigenetické hledisko
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- Kvalifikační práce [20130]
Hampl, Aleš
Motlík, Jan
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Science
Vývojová biologie
Department of Cell Biology
Date of defense
26. 3. 2008
Univerzita Karlova, Přírodovědecká fakultaLanguage
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CONCLUSIONS . By antibodies against ďfferent covalent histone modifications and 5-methylcytosine, we have partialty characterised the epigenetic changes taking place during the oocyte mauration and in early mammalian embryogenesis in the mouse and pig, respectively. o We have also characterised thc epigenetic repogramming activities of cytoplasts derived from oocytes at different stages of maturation after somatic cell nuclear transfer. . We have evaluated the epigenetic effec$ of selected procedures that are currently used for embryo production. . Finally, we have developed a new cryopreservation scheme for oocyte nuclear material storage. orrr research is engaged in the development ofnew bíotechniques as well as elucidating and characterising the epigenetic pÍocesses that take place during normal and abnormal embryogenesis. Abnormal embryonic development is for example often observed in somatic cell nuclear transfer embryos. These techniques can also be potentially used not only in human medicine but also for valuable livestock and endangered species preservation Oy e.g. interspecies nuclear transfer). Especially in human meďcine, attention to the ethical issues associated with these techniques must be paid. It is also clear tbat many biological problems still do exist and these should not be...