Rozhlas v Nizozemsku
Radio in the Netherlands
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
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- Kvalifikační práce [18180]
Moravec, Václav
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Social Sciences
Department of Journalism
Date of defense
29. 1. 2007
Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních vědLanguage
Cílem této bakalářské práce bylo prozkoumat nizozemské rozhlasové vysílání a porovnat jej se situací v České republice. Konkrétní otázka této práce zněla,zda se program nizozemského rozhlasu veřejné služby liší od toho českého větším zaměřením na specifické skupiny obyvatelstva. Powered by TCPDF (
The purpose of this thesis (Radio in the Netherlands) was to compare the radio broadcasting systems in the Czech Republic and in the Netherlands, specifically in the relation to broadcasting for specific groups of population. Radio in the Netherlands is divided into four chapters. Chapter I presents the history of broadcasting in the Netherlands. The Dutch and the Czech radio broadcasting have a different history and structure, which reflects in the public broadcasting for specific groups as well as for the majority. The Dutch publicservice radio started with broadcasting for several divided groups of the society due to the splitting of the Dutch society into separate groups in the zo" century. Publieke Omroep of the 21SI century attempts to integrate the society better through integration of all groups of the Dutch society within its broadcasting (programs forMoslems as well as Hindus and Catholics, news in Arabic and Turkish) as well as trough universal programs of the organization NOS. Publieke Omroep states as its main goal to represent all parts of the society. This issue is also thoroughly described in the media laws. Targeting specific groups of population - however with varying success with the listeners - is possible thanks to the system of funding of the Public Broadcaster, the strong position of...