Záření v modelech s kosmologickou konstantou
Záření v modelech s kosmologickou konstantou
diplomová práce (OBHÁJENO)
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Trvalý odkaz
SIS: 43031
- Kvalifikační práce [11242]
Vedoucí práce
Oponent práce
Pravda, Vojtěch
Fakulta / součást
Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta
Teoretická fyzika
Katedra / ústav / klinika
Ústav teoretické fyziky
Datum obhajoby
18. 5. 2006
Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakultaJazyk
Title: Gravitational ji.t'ld of gyratons on various background spacetrm.es Author: Hcdvika Kadlecovd Department: Institute of Theoretical Ph.ys-i.es Supervisor: doc. Pavel Krtous. Ph.D. Supervisor's e-mail address: Pavel.Krtou.s({hnff.rum.cz Abstract: In this work we have, found, and, analyzed, several gyraton solutions on various non-trivial backgrounds in the large. Kundt class of spacet'imes. Namely, the gyraton solutions on direct product spacctiincs, ayraton solutions on Melvin universe and its generalization which includes the cosmological constant. These, solutions are. of algebraic type II. Also me have investigated, type III solutions within the Kundt class and we have found the. gyratons on de Sitter spacctiw.e. We have, generalized, the gyraton solutions on direct product spacetimes to higher dimensions. Keywords: Kundt class of spaceti.mes, gravitational waves, Einstein-Maxwell equations, NP formalism Nazev prace: Grauitaeni pole gyratonu na pozadich rdznych prostorocasu Autor: Hcdvika Kadlecovd Utitav: Institul tcorcitcke jyziky Skolitel: doc. Panel Krtou.s, Ph.D. Skolitelova o-mailova adrc.sa: Pavcl..Krtous@mff.cttni.cz Abstract: V teto prdc.i jsnie nale.zh a analyzouaii, ne.kolik ru.zvijcli gyratonovych fcsc.ni' na ru.znych, netrividln-ich, pozadich, z sirokc trf.de Kundtovych prostoroc.asu:...
Title: Gravitational ji.t'ld of gyratons on various background spacetrm.es Author: Hcdvika Kadlecovd Department: Institute of Theoretical Ph.ys-i.es Supervisor: doc. Pavel Krtous. Ph.D. Supervisor's e-mail address: Pavel.Krtou.s({hnff.rum.cz Abstract: In this work we have, found, and, analyzed, several gyraton solutions on various non-trivial backgrounds in the large. Kundt class of spacet'imes. Namely, the gyraton solutions on direct product spacctiincs, ayraton solutions on Melvin universe and its generalization which includes the cosmological constant. These, solutions are. of algebraic type II. Also me have investigated, type III solutions within the Kundt class and we have found the. gyratons on de Sitter spacctiw.e. We have, generalized, the gyraton solutions on direct product spacetimes to higher dimensions. Keywords: Kundt class of spaceti.mes, gravitational waves, Einstein-Maxwell equations, NP formalism Nazev prace: Grauitaeni pole gyratonu na pozadich rdznych prostorocasu Autor: Hcdvika Kadlecovd Utitav: Institul tcorcitcke jyziky Skolitel: doc. Panel Krtou.s, Ph.D. Skolitelova o-mailova adrc.sa: Pavcl..Krtous@mff.cttni.cz Abstract: V teto prdc.i jsnie nale.zh a analyzouaii, ne.kolik ru.zvijcli gyratonovych fcsc.ni' na ru.znych, netrividln-ich, pozadich, z sirokc trf.de Kundtovych prostoroc.asu:...