Evaluace volejbalového podání ze země a z výskoku s následným porovnáním při simulaci podání při stahování kladky pomocí povrchové elektromyografie
Evaluation of voleyball service due to surface EMG
diplomová práce (OBHÁJENO)
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Trvalý odkaz
SIS: 62541
- Kvalifikační práce [8844]
Vedoucí práce
Oponent práce
Buchtel, Jaroslav
Fakulta / součást
Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu
Tělesná výchova a sport
Katedra / ústav / klinika
Sporty v přírodě
Datum obhajoby
7. 5. 2009
Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportuJazyk
Title of dissertation: Evaluation of volleyball service due to surface EMG. Objectives of dissertation: To measure and describe the structure involving specific muscles of the player. The muscles are going to be measured during the volleyball service - service with jump, service without jumping and specific exercises. Method: Surface EMG analysis and simple kinematic analysis. Results: The order of muscle activation is the use of the land and use of jump spikeserve different. In repeated experiments of each type of use, however, does not change the order of muscle involvement. Specific exercise is by its nature more spikeserve use of the jump. Key words: Volleyball, service, pulley, EMG analysis, kinematic analysis. 6
Title of dissertation: Evaluation of volleyball service due to surface EMG. Objectives of dissertation: To measure and describe the structure involving specific muscles of the player. The muscles are going to be measured during the volleyball service - service with jump, service without jumping and specific exercises. Method: Surface EMG analysis and simple kinematic analysis. Results: The order of muscle activation is the use of the land and use of jump spikeserve different. In repeated experiments of each type of use, however, does not change the order of muscle involvement. Specific exercise is by its nature more spikeserve use of the jump. Key words: Volleyball, service, pulley, EMG analysis, kinematic analysis. 6