Epimeleia: Care for the Soul
Epimeliea: starost o duši
dizertační práce (OBHÁJENO)
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SIS: 120197
- Kvalifikační práce [19159]
Vedoucí práce
Oponent práce
Rybák, David
Semrádová, Ilona
Fakulta / součást
Pedagogická fakulta
Katedra / ústav / klinika
Oddělení pro vědeckou činnost
Datum obhajoby
14. 6. 2019
Univerzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakultaJazyk
Klíčová slova (česky)
teorie, praxe, inteligenceKlíčová slova (anglicky)
Theory, practice, intelligenceThe purpose of this work is to introduce the subject of Epimeleia (care) as the necessary and fundamental premise of educational endeavours. The focus of these endeavours is not directed toward any fixed point but instead, driven by attention to and delight in the process. The outcome of this human experience in becoming, is absent of any goal, beyond that of a life well-led. Abstract Educators remain the most instrumental force toward the develop of the next generation of people, who will in turn be representative of the era to come. Rediscovering the fundamental purpose of the Educator is paramount toward a world of authenticity, fulfillment, and truth. Since the time of Socrates, care for the soul of mankind has been the course toward enlightenment. Through Anamnesis we emerge as we uncover the truth that was hidden. Over the millennia however, education has lost its way and become a means of control and manipulation. Teaching is predicated on the answer not the question. The world has become one of certainty and absolutism. The Educational Industrial complex is manufacturing people as tools toward their own end. Teachers are products of an Economic Zeitgeist that has designed the very foundations of their worldview. They have embraced the false logic of the scientific society however, there is hope....
The purpose of this work is to introduce the subject of Epimeleia (care) as the necessary and fundamental premise of educational endeavours. The focus of these endeavours is not directed toward any fixed point but instead, driven by attention to and delight in the process. The outcome of this human experience in becoming, is absent of any goal, beyond that of a life well-led. Abstract Educators remain the most instrumental force toward the develop of the next generation of people, who will in turn be representative of the era to come. Rediscovering the fundamental purpose of the Educator is paramount toward a world of authenticity, fulfillment, and truth. Since the time of Socrates, care for the soul of mankind has been the course toward enlightenment. Through Anamnesis we emerge as we uncover the truth that was hidden. Over the millennia however, education has lost its way and become a means of control and manipulation. Teaching is predicated on the answer not the question. The world has become one of certainty and absolutism. The Educational Industrial complex is manufacturing people as tools toward their own end. Teachers are products of an Economic Zeitgeist that has designed the very foundations of their worldview. They have embraced the false logic of the scientific society however, there is hope....