Recent Submissions

Now showing items 1-5 of 5

  • Eine etymologische Bemerkung zu ἀνεψιός 

    Bakyta, Ján (Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Praha, 2018)
    It is proposed to derive Greek ἀνεψιός ‘cousin’ < *sm̥ -neptijo- from an otherwise unattested lexeme *sm̥ -nep(o)t-. Both terms may originally have meant ‘cousinʼ, the latter being understood from the perspective of another ...
  • Sumerians and their soups 

    Charvát, Petr (Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Praha, 2018)
    This paper concerns the interpretation of a group of archaic sealings from the Sumerian city of Ur (ED I, c. 2,900–2,700 BC). These container sealings (in some cases from pots) bear, among others, the sign tu7 = “soup”. ...
  • The root ablaut of Tocharian B /pər-/, A pär- ‘carry’ revisited 

    Ronald I., Kim (Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Praha, 2018)
    In a previous article (R. Kim 2010), it was claimed largely on the basis of Tocharian that PIE simple thematic presents originally alternated between full- and zero-grade of the root. This claim is hereby retracted, since ...
  • Hittite tit(ta)nu-, titti-, and Lycian stta- 

    Melchert, H. Craig (Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Praha, 2018)
    Against the standard view, there are two synchronically distinct Hittite verbs titti- and tittanu-, one meaning ‘to erect, cause to stand, install (in an office)’ related to tiya- ‘to stand, step’ and another meaning ‘to ...
  • Yiddish language and literature, with special focus on Prague 

    Starck-Adler, Astrid (Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Praha, 2018)
    For centuries Yiddish was the vernacular of Ashkenazi Jews, and Prague a widely known center of Jewish culture and the Yiddish language. But what is Yiddish? How and where did it arise? What characteristics distinguish it? ...

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