dc.contributor | | |
dc.creator | Andrzej Ćwiek | |
dc.date | 2017 | |
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dc.date.accessioned | 2018-05-28T11:05:30Z | |
dc.date.available | 2018-05-28T11:05:30Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2017 | |
dc.identifier | ISSN 1801-3899 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11956/97383 | |
dc.description | | |
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dc.description | Limestone blocks with traces of drilling operations, foundat several sites in the Memphite necropolis, are stillmysterious artefacts. Experiments made by Jean-PhilippeLauer using a hand-drill with a crescent-shaped flint pointproved that the holes in these stones were made by thistool. The purpose of these stones, however, remains unexplained.They have been variously interpreted as devicesfor levering stones during building operations, traces ofapprentices’ work before drilling stone vases, or stones underlyingunidentified objects that were being drilledthrough. At the area of the Polish excavations west of theStep Pyramid at Saqqara, numerous drilled limestone fragmentswere found dispersed around the site of the OldKingdom necropolis, as well as forming a large deposit ina courtyard of one of the Sixth Dynasty tombs. Many ofthese pieces bear traces of being drilled on opposite sides,and the holes are spaced irregularly but very close together,covering and piercing virtually the entire stone. The location,number and characteristics of the fragments stronglysuggest their purpose. It seems that the aim was to obtainlimestone powder in a quick and expedient way. Largeamounts of pulverised limestone were used extensivelyfor plastering and whitewashing the tombs and in ritualpractises. The end of the Sixth Dynasty was a period ofa special need to restore the ritual purity of the offeringplaces by whitewashing. | |
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dc.publisher | Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy | |
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dc.rights | | |
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dc.rights | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/ | |
dc.source | Pražské egyptologické studie (Prague Egyptological Studies), 2017, 19, 90-94 | |
dc.subject | limestone | |
dc.subject | drilling | |
dc.subject | Saqqara | |
dc.subject | technology | |
dc.subject | limestone powder | |
dc.subject | plastering | |
dc.subject | | |
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dc.title | Drilling for powder. Enigmatic limestone fragments explained | |
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dc.type | Článek | cs_CZ |
dc.type | Article | en_US |
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uk.internal-type | uk_publication | |
dc.description.startPage | 90 | |
dc.description.endPage | 94 | |
dcterms.isPartOf.name | Pražské egyptologické studie (Prague Egyptological Studies) | cs_CZ |
dcterms.isPartOf.journalYear | 2017 | |
dcterms.isPartOf.journalVolume | 2017 | |
dcterms.isPartOf.journalIssue | 19 | |