Literární obrazy Mladé Boleslavi
Literary pictures of Mladá Boleslav
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)

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Study Information System: 59711
- Kvalifikační práce [19273]
Pechová, Drahoslava
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Education
Training Teachers of General Subjects at Lower and Higher Secondary Schools Czech - Social Scienses
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Date of defense
17. 5. 2007
Univerzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakultaLanguage
Very good
Mladá Boleslav je město s dlouhodobou a bohatou kulturní tradicí, s nímž byla spjata řada literárně činných osobností. S jednotou bratrskou je spojeno jméno Mikuláše Klaudiána a jeho slavná bratrská v tiskárna. Alois Vojtěch Šmilovský byl boleslavským rodákem, který své rodiště zobrazil v některých povídkách. Ferdinand Schulz prožil v Mladé Boleslavi dva roky studia na gymnáziu. Pobyt jej později inspiroval k próze Latinská babička. Na počátku 20.století přišel do Mladé Boleslavi Karel Sellner, jehož mnohostranná činnost obohatila město v mnoha oblastech. . Spisovatele Adolfa Branalda poutá k městu zájem o automobilismus, jehož začátky zachytil v knížce Dědeček automobil. Powered by TCPDF (
Mladá Boleslav is a town with long and rich cultural tradition, which has been linked with lots of literary active personalities. The name Mikuláš Klaudián and his famous Brethern's print shop are connected with Brethern Unity. The writer Alois Vojtěch Šmilovský, born in Mladá Boleslav, reminded his birthplace especially in his short stories. The writer Ferdinand Schulz stayed for two years in Mladá Boleslav as a student and described them in his book called Latinská babička. At the beginning of 20th century writer Karel Sellner came to Mladá Boleslav and his further educational activities of a school inspektor, homeland sciontist and writer enriched the life of Mladá Boleslav community. Writer Adolf Branald was known famous for his automobile love for town, and he devoted his book Dědeček automobil to the start of motor sport and car industry. Powered by TCPDF (