Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Passivization of ditransitive verbs from the FSP point of view
Vědecký článek
Date Issued: 2015
Abstract: The present paper aims at contributing to the study of passivization of ditransitive complementation from the FSP point of view. English ditransitive verbs generally allow two passive constructions, i.e. the subject of a ...
Textual roles of two forms of rhematic subjects: initial rhematic subjects vs. subjects rhematized by it-clefts
Vědecký článek
Date Issued: 2015
Abstract: The paper discusses two realization forms of rhematic subjects, initial rhematic subjects construed with a presentation verb and an optional scene-setting adverbial, and rhematic subjects in the underlying form of ...
Anglizismen und synonyme Wortneubildungen im modernen Deutsch: sinnvolle Ergänzung oder Ersatz?
Vědecký článek
Date Issued: 2015
Abstract: The article investigates the interrelations within the language system between anglicisms and newly formed native German words. New words emerge in German either spontaneously or under the supervision of philological ...
Dieser Beitrag ist den Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Anglizismen und neugebildeten Wörtern im modernen Deutsch gewidmet. Deutsche Wortneubildungen zu Anglizismen entstehen entweder spontan oder als Ergebnis der bewussten ...
Dieser Beitrag ist den Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Anglizismen und neugebildeten Wörtern im modernen Deutsch gewidmet. Deutsche Wortneubildungen zu Anglizismen entstehen entweder spontan oder als Ergebnis der bewussten ...
Comparison of formation processes in English and Czech sports terminologies
Vědecký článek
Date Issued: 2015
Abstract: Language represents one of the main factors that determine the distinctiveness and cultural identity of each branch of sport. Its rich lexicon is an indication of its diffusion and status in the society. A large number of ...
Creating a system of annotation for FSP
Vědecký článek
Date Issued: 2015
Abstract: The article presents the recent initiative of the authors of the article to prepare the ground for setting up a corpus of texts annotated from the viewpoint of Functional Sentence Perspective (FSP). The authors are followers ...
Tough-constructions and the issue of thematicity: a study of the word easy in 17th and 18th century English
Vědecký článek
Date Issued: 2015
Abstract: This article presents an analysis of tough-constructions (TCs) which attempts to describe the formal syntactic properties of these constructions in light of their functional sentence perspective (FSP). It has been suggested ...
Foreign given names in Spanish youth: evidence of a globalized society
Vědecký článek
Date Issued: 2015
Abstract: This paper provides evidence of the impact of the Anglo-American culture on Spanish language and society. Societal phenomena such as globalization, migration and the media are observable in every area of Spanish people’s ...
Linearity in functional sentence perspective: the strength of the weak factor
Vědecký článek
Date Issued: 2015
Abstract: When the theory of Functional Sentence Perspective (FSP) is applied to English, the linear arrangement of clause constituents is considered the weakest of the four factors indicating the distribution of communicative ...
On concatenative and nonconcatenative lexeme-formation patterns in English
Vědecký článek
Date Issued: 2015
Abstract: The paper borrows the concept of (non)concatenation from morphology and applies it to wordformation patterns both within and outside the scope of derivational morphology, arguing at the same time for a broader, lexicological ...
Paradigmatik der deutschen Adjektive in der Großen lexikalischen Datenbank Deutsch
Vědecký článek
Date Issued: 2015
Abstract: The article focusing on the latest research in antonymy (Jones et al. 2012) proposes to see this lexical- semantic relation in its broader sense (oppositeness) because this view meets the needs of lexicographers who aim ...
Der Artikel geht von der neueren Forschung im Bereich der Antonymie aus (Jones et al. 2012) und plädiert für eine breitere Auffassung der Gegensätzlichkeit für die lexikographischen Zwecke. Die lexikalisch-semantischen ...
Der Artikel geht von der neueren Forschung im Bereich der Antonymie aus (Jones et al. 2012) und plädiert für eine breitere Auffassung der Gegensätzlichkeit für die lexikographischen Zwecke. Die lexikalisch-semantischen ...