Now showing items 1-10 of 14
Podkarpatoruské volby do sněmu a přezkum u Volebního soudu v roce 1939
The Sub-Carpathian Ruthenian Parliamentary Elections and the Electoral Court Review in 1939
Článek v periodiku
Date Issued: 2014
Abstract: This paper examines the court review of the first ever elections to the Sub-Carpathian Ruthenian Parliament, which took place in the atmosphere of the Second Republic and were influenced by the intensifying struggle between ...
Chvála a kritika prvorepublikové demokracie
Praise and Criticism of first Republic Democracy
Článek v periodiku
Date Issued: 2014
Abstract: Praise and criticism of First Republic democracy is a study that deals with the way the pros and cons of First Republic democracy were evaluated at the time, as well as the way society perceived this concept at the time ...
Specifika systému obecních voleb v předlitavském období a jeho vliv na volební kulturu (na příkladu Moravy a Rakouského Slezska)
Článek v periodiku
Date Issued: 2014
Abstract: This study presents the municipal electoral regulations for Moravia and Silesia, as well as the specific electoral rules for the so called statutory towns. It then focuses on the actual course of the municipal elections, ...
Historiografie a politika v předválečném Československu (Pfitzner — Pekař). Diskusní příspěvek
Historiography and Politics in Pre-War Czechoslovakia (Pfitzner — Pekař). Discussion Paper
Článek v periodiku
Date Issued: 2014
Abstract: This study focuses on the ideological link between Czech and German historiography during the First Czechoslovak Republic. The general subject is exemplified by the case of Josef Pekař and Josef Pfitzner, who were high-profile ...
Proměny volební kultury v brněnské komunální politice 1861–1914
Článek v periodiku
Date Issued: 2014
Abstract: This paper deals with the changing face of the electoral culture in City of Brno local politics, analysing changes in electoral strategies and tenure of power in the case of the German Liberal Party.
K československé parlamentní kultuře v letech 1935–1938
Czechoslovak Parliamentary Culture, 1935–1938
Článek v periodiku
Date Issued: 2014
Abstract: This paper deals with National Assembly Chamber of Deputies public meetings in the fourth electoral period (1935–1938) as recorded in shorthand minutes, attempting to depict particular characteristic features of parliamentary ...
Jednota pro všechny, nebo jen pro někoho? Politická kultura v letech 1945–1948
Unity for all or Just for Some? Political Culture, 1945–1948
Článek v periodiku
Date Issued: 2014
Abstract: This study deals with political culture in liberated Czechoslovakia after the Second World War, taking account of the elements which the restored state took over from the prewar period, as well as the phenomena which ...
Maffisté v politickém životě prvorepublikového Československa (1919–1921) — role Přemysla Šámala
Maffie Members in the Political Life of First Republic Czechoslovakia (1919–1921) — The Role PlayedbBy Přemysl Šámal
Článek v periodiku
Date Issued: 2014
Abstract: This study deals with the issues surrounding the influence of “Maffie” members on the operation of the Czechoslovak state during the first years of its existence (1919–1921). Attention is primarily focused on Přemysl Šámal ...
Politický realismus a ideál nové politiky ve střední Evropě
Článek v periodiku
Date Issued: 2014
Abstract: This study examines the attempts made to apply “political realism” to the ideological discussion that accompanied party politics in the latter half of the 19th century. A comparison is made within Central Europe between ...
Organizace komunálních voleb v Praze v šedesátých a sedmdesátých letech 19. století
Článek v periodiku
Date Issued: 2014
Abstract: This study based on archive sources and the period press reconstructs the creation and development of municipal electoral organizations in Prague during the 1860s and 1870s. The focus of interest is primarily the Progress ...