Now showing items 1-3 of 3
„Politická žena“ premiéra. Vztah Harolda Wilsona a Marcii Williamsové
Prime minister’s "political wife" The relationship of Harold Wilson and Marcia Williams
Vědecký článek
Date Issued: 2017
Abstract: Marcia Williamsová, později známá jako lady Falkenderová, byla klíčovou poradkyní britského premiéraHarolda Wilsona. Začínala u něj jako sekretářka, postupně se vypracovala na jeho hlavní spolupracovnici.Během své kariéry ...
Marcia Williams, later known as lady Falkender, was a key adviser to the British Prime Minister Harold Wilson. She began working for him as a secretary and over time became his main associate. During her career when she ...
Marcia Williams, later known as lady Falkender, was a key adviser to the British Prime Minister Harold Wilson. She began working for him as a secretary and over time became his main associate. During her career when she ...
Velká Británie a Kanada od Westminsterského statutu k Ogdensburgské smlouvě
Great Britain and Canada from the Statute of Westminster to the Ogdensburg agreement
Vědecký článek
Date Issued: 2017
Abstract: Studie se zaměřuje na analýzu vývoje zahraničněpolitických vztahů mezi Velkou Británií a Kanadouod přijetí Westminsterského statutu v obou zemích roku 1931 do uzavření obranné smlouvy meziKanadou a Spojenými státy americkými ...
This article analyses the development of political relations between Great Britain and Canada in the era between the Statute of Westminster in both countries (1931) and the signing of the defensive agreement in Ogdensburg ...
This article analyses the development of political relations between Great Britain and Canada in the era between the Statute of Westminster in both countries (1931) and the signing of the defensive agreement in Ogdensburg ...
The British Pro-German Organisation The Link on the Eve of The World War II
Britská proněmecká organizace The Link v předvečer druhé světové války
Vědecký článek
Date Issued: 2017
Abstract: Článek analyzuje britskou proněmeckou organizaci The Link, kterou založil v roce 1937 Sir Barry
Domville. Oficiálně se profilovala jako nepolitické, nezávislé hnutí, které usilovalo o podporu přátelských
vztahů mezi Velkou ...
This article analyses the British pro-German organisation The Link, which was established by SirBarry Domvile in 1937. The organisation officially profiled itself as a non-political, independentmovement, which strove to ...
This article analyses the British pro-German organisation The Link, which was established by SirBarry Domvile in 1937. The organisation officially profiled itself as a non-political, independentmovement, which strove to ...