BIRD SCHISTOSOMES: development of schistosomula with focus on Trichobilharzia spp
Vývoj schistosomul ptačích schistosom se zaměřením na rod Trichobilharzia
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- Kvalifikační práce [20186]
Špakulová, Marta
Haas, Wilfried
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Science
Department of Parasitology
Date of defense
8. 12. 2009
Univerzita Karlova, Přírodovědecká fakultaLanguage
{ ) I SEZNAMVLASTNiCHPUBLIKACi: cHANovA M, vuoNc s, HOMK P- (2007): Trichobilhunia szidatii the rung phase of migration within avian and mmmaliin hosts.Pamitol Res. 100(6): 1243- 1247(IFt.s) cHANovA M.' HoRAKP. (2007): Terminal phase ofbird schistosomiasiscaused by Tichobilhunia regezri (schistosomatidae) in ducks (Anu pktltrhynclros f. domstie). Folia pd6itol 54(2): 105 - 1070F r.o) cHANovA M, BULANToVAJ, MASLo p, HoRiK p (2009): In vito cultivation of erly shistosomula of nasal and visceral bird *histosomes (Trichobilhuziu spp., Schistommatidae). pmsitol Res 104(6):l44s - 14520F 1.5) zAviR V1/sledky pr6ce rozSiiuji dosavadni poaatky o biologii schistosomul ptaiich schistosom. Byly zji5tdni detailni infomace o rlivoji dvou modeloqich druhri rodu Trichobilhania repreantujicich viscer6lni a nm6lni schistosomy. Nejvi;amdjii vlsledky pr6ce: In vilro kultiryaee ' Schistosomuly trmsfomovmd in vivo \ziskmd z tkrini ptadiho hostitele) pieZivaji a dospivaji v podmir/rlieh in vitro v kultivadnim m6diu (RpMI 1620) s ptadimi erytrocyty pfi 37"C a 5o/oCO2. . RPMI 1620 medim se neosvEddilo pro in vitro tramfomrci a n6sledn51.vlvoj ptadich schistosom_ SCM 169, m6dim pro kultivaci lidsklch schistoso4 doplndni kachnimi erytrocl,ty a piisluinj'mi mtimykotiky a antibiotiky,je pro vjvoj rilich schistosomul vhodnd. ' Vlivojovd...
5 ABSTRACT Schistosomulum is the first stage developing in definitive host body, affecting various body parts and in the case of bird schistosomes present in host tissues for longest period. The aims of the present thesis are to summarize recent knowledge of bird schistosomula migration, development and pathogenic impact on host tissues and complete the details for two model species (Trichobilharzia szidati and T. regenti) with different life strategy. The other aim was to introduce and test the method for in vitro cultivation of schistosomula. Schistosomulum is formed by transformation of cercaria in the host skin at the time of penetration. The process is preceded by cercarial tail detachment and includes emptying of penetration glands and extensive surface changes. All this take place also under defined in vitro conditions. Transformed schistosomula migrate towards the target organ in host body. Depending on the species schistosomula migrate via the circulatory system or nervous tissues and the migration is directed either to intestinal or nasal area (visceral or nasal species, respectively). Specific migratory pattern for lung passage of T. szidati and migratory route of T. regenti through the nervous system, unique among schistosomes and including intra- and extra vascular location, are obligatory for...