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The journey to the united school
dc.contributor.advisorVáňová, Růžena
dc.creatorSalavcová, Irena
dc.description.abstractv české jazyce nebyl v práci uveden. CONCLUSION My thesis deals with the fight and struggle of forward- looking teachers,working at town schools for ages 11 and 15 on poor conditions, for their better education and mainly for better school of the future socalled United School and also with pedagogical activity between two world wars and shortly after the end of World War II. The period between two wars in our pedagogical life is called reformatory movement and progressive teachers tried to unify the school. The system of education was divided into various streams and bias for children coming from diverse social classes. The children at the age of 11 had to choose the bias of their studies. They could continue their studies at the town schools or at the several- year grammar schools. The grammar schools were intended for promising students who wanted to go on at universities and they could become students of any university after finishing the studies at a grammar school but the children of the town schools were prepared only for various occupations. The progressive teachers wanted to abolish such an injustice system of education and introduce the United Differentiated School in our country for all children. They wanted to push the age boundaries of making decision what type of school to study. The...cs_CZ
dc.description.abstractCONCLUSION My thesis deals with the fight and struggle of forward- looking teachers,working at town schools for ages 11 and 15 on poor conditions, for their better education and mainly for better school of the future so- called United School and also with pedagogical activity between two world wars and shortly after the end of World War II. The period between two wars in our pedagogical life is called reformatory movement and progressive teachers tried to unify the school. The system of education was divided into various streams and bias for children coming from diverse social classes. The children at the age of 11 had to choose the bias of their studies. They could continue their studies at the town schools or at the several- year grammar schools. The grammar schools were intended for promising students who wanted to go on at universities and they could become students of any university after finishing the studies at a grammar school but the children of the town schools were prepared only for various occupations. The progressive teachers wanted to abolish such an injustice system of education and introduce the United Differentiated School in our country for all children. They wanted to push the age boundaries of making decision what type of school to study. The thesis shows the fight and struggle, many...en_US
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultacs_CZ
dc.titleCesta k jednotné školecs_CZ
dc.typerigorózní prácecs_CZ
dc.description.departmentDepartment of Educationen_US
dc.description.departmentKatedra pedagogikycs_CZ
dc.description.facultyFaculty of Artsen_US
dc.description.facultyFilozofická fakultacs_CZ
dc.title.translatedThe journey to the united schoolen_US
dc.contributor.refereeUhlířová, Jana
thesis.degree.levelrigorózní řízenícs_CZ
uk.thesis.typerigorózní prácecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-csFilozofická fakulta::Katedra pedagogikycs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-enFaculty of Arts::Department of Educationen_US
uk.faculty-name.csFilozofická fakultacs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.enFaculty of Artsen_US
uk.abstract.csv české jazyce nebyl v práci uveden. CONCLUSION My thesis deals with the fight and struggle of forward- looking teachers,working at town schools for ages 11 and 15 on poor conditions, for their better education and mainly for better school of the future socalled United School and also with pedagogical activity between two world wars and shortly after the end of World War II. The period between two wars in our pedagogical life is called reformatory movement and progressive teachers tried to unify the school. The system of education was divided into various streams and bias for children coming from diverse social classes. The children at the age of 11 had to choose the bias of their studies. They could continue their studies at the town schools or at the several- year grammar schools. The grammar schools were intended for promising students who wanted to go on at universities and they could become students of any university after finishing the studies at a grammar school but the children of the town schools were prepared only for various occupations. The progressive teachers wanted to abolish such an injustice system of education and introduce the United Differentiated School in our country for all children. They wanted to push the age boundaries of making decision what type of school to study. The...cs_CZ
uk.abstract.enCONCLUSION My thesis deals with the fight and struggle of forward- looking teachers,working at town schools for ages 11 and 15 on poor conditions, for their better education and mainly for better school of the future so- called United School and also with pedagogical activity between two world wars and shortly after the end of World War II. The period between two wars in our pedagogical life is called reformatory movement and progressive teachers tried to unify the school. The system of education was divided into various streams and bias for children coming from diverse social classes. The children at the age of 11 had to choose the bias of their studies. They could continue their studies at the town schools or at the several- year grammar schools. The grammar schools were intended for promising students who wanted to go on at universities and they could become students of any university after finishing the studies at a grammar school but the children of the town schools were prepared only for various occupations. The progressive teachers wanted to abolish such an injustice system of education and introduce the United Differentiated School in our country for all children. They wanted to push the age boundaries of making decision what type of school to study. The thesis shows the fight and struggle, many...en_US
uk.grantorUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Katedra pedagogikycs_CZ

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