Dospívání a dospělost v Čechách (Vynořující se dospělost očima mladých lidí a jejich matek)
Growing up and adulthood in the Czech Republic (Emerging adulthood through the eyes of emerging adults and their mothers)
dizertační práce (OBHÁJENO)

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SIS: 102961
- Kvalifikační práce [23820]
Vedoucí práce
Oponent práce
Ferrarová, Eva
Hnilica, Karel
Fakulta / součást
Filozofická fakulta
Katedra / ústav / klinika
Ústav etnologie
Datum obhajoby
13. 2. 2012
Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultaJazyk
Klíčová slova (česky)
dospělost, dospívání, vynořující se dospělost, iniciační rituály, vztah s matkou, přechod do dospělostiKlíčová slova (anglicky)
adulthood, emerging adulthood, rite of passage, growing up, mothersPrědkla'dana' disertacň' pra'ce se zameřˇuje na proces prěchodu do dospeľosti ocˇima mlady'ch lid' a ocˇima jejich matek. Vy'zkumna' studie se op'ra' o teorii J.J. Arnetta, ktery' identifikoval nove' vy'vojove' obdob' "emerging adulthood" [Arnett, 1998]. Na pruřbeˇh dosp'va'n' se d'va'me ze trˇ' perspektiv: Vy'vojoveˇ psychologicke', sociologicke' a kulturneˇ-antropologicke'. Popis jednotlivy'ch obdob' spojeny'ch s prěchodem do dospeľosti je rozsˇ'rěn o kontext rodiny, ve ktere' je mlady' cľoveˇk vychova'va'n a kultury, ve ktere' vyruřsta'. Prědstaven'm tečhto trˇ' perspektiv v prvn' cˇa'sti vytva'rˇ'me teoreticky' ra'mec pro empirickou cˇa'st. V empiricke' cˇa'sti prezentujeme vlastn' kvalitativn' studii. Vy'zkum prob'hal formou polostrukturovane 'ho hloubkove'ho rozhovoru s mlady'miCˇ echy aCˇ esˇkami a jejich matkami. Nasˇ'm c'lem bylo porozumeť tomu, jak vn'maj' mlad' lide' ve veˇku od 18 do 30 let pojem dospeľost a jak by popsali vlastn' proces dosp'va'n'. Chteľi jsme zjistit, zda mlad'Cˇ esˇi vykazuj' znaky obdob' "emerging adulthood". Zaj'malo na's, jaky' vliv ma' na dosp'va'n' vztah s matkou, zpuřsob vy'chovy a kulturn' kontext. Matek jsme se ta'zali, co pro neˇ znamena' pojem dospeľost, jak posuzuj' dospe ľost u svy'ch deť', ktere' okamzˇiky byly podle jejich na'zoru pro deťi...
The presented dissertation focuses on the process of transition into adulthood through the eyes of young people and the eyes of their mothers. The research study is based on the theory of J.J. Arnett, who identified a new development period "emerging adulthood" [Arnett, 1998]. We use three different perspectives to look at the process of transition into the adulthood: Developmental psychological, sociological and cultural-anthropological. Description of each period associated with the transition to adulthood is extended by the context of a family in which a young person is raised, and by a culture in which the person grows. By introducting these three perspectives in the first part we are creating a theoretical framework for the empirical part of our work. In the empirical part the qualitative study is presented. As the research method semistructured in-depth interview with young Czechs and their mothers was used. Our goal was to understand the perception of the notion of adulthood by young people aged 18 to 30 years and the way they describe their own process of transition into the adulthood. We wanted to determine whether young Czechs show signs of "emerging adulthood." We were also interested in how the relationship between a mother and her offspring, the upbringing, and the cultural context influence...