dc.contributor.advisor | Michela, Miroslav | |
dc.creator | Heriban, Branislav | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2020-11-26T21:18:21Z | |
dc.date.available | 2020-11-26T21:18:21Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2011 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11956/47040 | |
dc.description.abstract | Author of the thesis focuses on the Jewish associations and organizations in Slovakia, particularly Bratislava, in the period 1919 to 1939. Jewish associations existed already in Austria-Hungary. In 1867, resulting from the approval of the Austrian constitution in February 1861, a federal law was adopted that developed and clarified some of the general constitutional principles. In Hungary, after the Austria - Hungarian Settlement, Law of 2 May 1875 No 1508/1875 was in force - with minor adjustments - until the end of 1951. Activities of Jewish societies further developed during the first Czechoslovak Republic. The majority of societies existed in Prague, Brno and Bratislava. Being university cities, their activities attracted number of students, particularly lawyers and medics. The volume of voluntary activities multiplied during 1920's. Bratislava had registered 676 organization and societies in 1931, which was nearly tenfold compared to 1900. In years 1919 - 1939 there were about 30 to 40 Jewish associations in the city. With regard to their activities the Jewish organizations were divided as follows: religious organizations, charitable societies, mutual help and burial assistance societies, student and community based organizations, gymnastics and sporting clubs, professional associations and... | en_US |
dc.description.abstract | Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy v Prahe Ústav českých dějin Branislav Heriban ŽIDOVSKÉ SPOLKY V ČESKOSLOVENSKU SO ZAMERANÍM NA BRATISLAVU 1919 - 1939 Autoreferát dizertačnej práce na získanie vedecko-akademickej hodnosti Philosophiae doctor (PhD.) vo vednom odbore 012 Historické vědy - České dějiny Praha 2011 2 Dizertačná práca bola vypracovaná v rámci externej formy doktorandského štúdia na Ústave českých dejín Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v Prahe. Predkladateľ: Mgr. Branislav Heriban Černyševského 19 851 01 Bratislava 5 Školiteľ: Prof. PhDr. Jan Kuklík, CSc. † Mgr. Miroslav Michela PhD. Ústav českých dějin Oponenti: Autoreferát bol rozoslaný ................................................................. Obhajoba dizertačnej práce sa koná dňa ..................... o ........... hod. pred komisiou pre obhajobu dizertačnej práce spoločnej odborovej komisie z odboru 012 České dějiny na Filozofickej fakulte Univerzity Karlovy, Palachovo nám. 2, Praha. 3 1. Predmet a ciele práce Predložená dizertačná práca si stanovila za cieľ komplexné spracovanie židovských spolkov v Československu so zameraním na Bratislavu v rokoch 1919 - 1939. Časové ohraničenie práce nebolo zvolené náhodne. Dňa 1. januára 1919 bola československým vojskom oslobodená Bratislava a v marci bola prehlásená za hlavné mesto... | cs_CZ |
dc.language | Slovenčina | cs_CZ |
dc.language.iso | sk_SK | |
dc.publisher | Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta | cs_CZ |
dc.subject | Assimilated | en_US |
dc.subject | Bratislava | en_US |
dc.subject | Ortodox | en_US |
dc.subject | Zionist | en_US |
dc.subject | Jewish Headquarters | en_US |
dc.subject | Central jewish agency | en_US |
dc.subject | Jewry | en_US |
dc.subject | Jewish national council | en_US |
dc.subject | Jewish societes | en_US |
dc.subject | asimilanti | cs_CZ |
dc.subject | Bratislava | cs_CZ |
dc.subject | ortodoxný | cs_CZ |
dc.subject | sionisti | cs_CZ |
dc.subject | Ústredňa židov | cs_CZ |
dc.subject | Ústredná židovská úradovňa | cs_CZ |
dc.subject | Židia | cs_CZ |
dc.subject | Židovská národná rada | cs_CZ |
dc.subject | židovské spolky | cs_CZ |
dc.title | Židovské spolky v Československu so zameraním na Bratislavu 1919 - 1939 | sk_SK |
dc.type | dizertační práce | cs_CZ |
dcterms.created | 2011 | |
dcterms.dateAccepted | 2011-09-27 | |
dc.description.department | Institute of Czech History | en_US |
dc.description.department | Ústav českých dějin | cs_CZ |
dc.description.faculty | Filozofická fakulta | cs_CZ |
dc.description.faculty | Faculty of Arts | en_US |
dc.identifier.repId | 24895 | |
dc.title.translated | Jews Society in Czechoslowakia Between 1919 - 1939 with focus in Bratislava | en_US |
dc.title.translated | Židovské spolky v ČSR 1919-1939 se zaměřením na Slovensko | cs_CZ |
dc.contributor.referee | Frankl, Michal | |
dc.contributor.referee | Rychlík, Jan | |
dc.identifier.aleph | 001441394 | |
thesis.degree.name | Ph.D. | |
thesis.degree.level | doktorské | cs_CZ |
thesis.degree.discipline | České dějiny | cs_CZ |
thesis.degree.discipline | Czech History | en_US |
thesis.degree.program | Historické vědy | cs_CZ |
thesis.degree.program | History | en_US |
uk.thesis.type | dizertační práce | cs_CZ |
uk.taxonomy.organization-cs | Filozofická fakulta::Ústav českých dějin | cs_CZ |
uk.taxonomy.organization-en | Faculty of Arts::Institute of Czech History | en_US |
uk.faculty-name.cs | Filozofická fakulta | cs_CZ |
uk.faculty-name.en | Faculty of Arts | en_US |
uk.faculty-abbr.cs | FF | cs_CZ |
uk.degree-discipline.cs | České dějiny | cs_CZ |
uk.degree-discipline.en | Czech History | en_US |
uk.degree-program.cs | Historické vědy | cs_CZ |
uk.degree-program.en | History | en_US |
thesis.grade.cs | Neprospěl/a | cs_CZ |
thesis.grade.en | Fail | en_US |
uk.abstract.cs | Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy v Prahe Ústav českých dějin Branislav Heriban ŽIDOVSKÉ SPOLKY V ČESKOSLOVENSKU SO ZAMERANÍM NA BRATISLAVU 1919 - 1939 Autoreferát dizertačnej práce na získanie vedecko-akademickej hodnosti Philosophiae doctor (PhD.) vo vednom odbore 012 Historické vědy - České dějiny Praha 2011 2 Dizertačná práca bola vypracovaná v rámci externej formy doktorandského štúdia na Ústave českých dejín Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v Prahe. Predkladateľ: Mgr. Branislav Heriban Černyševského 19 851 01 Bratislava 5 Školiteľ: Prof. PhDr. Jan Kuklík, CSc. † Mgr. Miroslav Michela PhD. Ústav českých dějin Oponenti: Autoreferát bol rozoslaný ................................................................. Obhajoba dizertačnej práce sa koná dňa ..................... o ........... hod. pred komisiou pre obhajobu dizertačnej práce spoločnej odborovej komisie z odboru 012 České dějiny na Filozofickej fakulte Univerzity Karlovy, Palachovo nám. 2, Praha. 3 1. Predmet a ciele práce Predložená dizertačná práca si stanovila za cieľ komplexné spracovanie židovských spolkov v Československu so zameraním na Bratislavu v rokoch 1919 - 1939. Časové ohraničenie práce nebolo zvolené náhodne. Dňa 1. januára 1919 bola československým vojskom oslobodená Bratislava a v marci bola prehlásená za hlavné mesto... | cs_CZ |
uk.abstract.en | Author of the thesis focuses on the Jewish associations and organizations in Slovakia, particularly Bratislava, in the period 1919 to 1939. Jewish associations existed already in Austria-Hungary. In 1867, resulting from the approval of the Austrian constitution in February 1861, a federal law was adopted that developed and clarified some of the general constitutional principles. In Hungary, after the Austria - Hungarian Settlement, Law of 2 May 1875 No 1508/1875 was in force - with minor adjustments - until the end of 1951. Activities of Jewish societies further developed during the first Czechoslovak Republic. The majority of societies existed in Prague, Brno and Bratislava. Being university cities, their activities attracted number of students, particularly lawyers and medics. The volume of voluntary activities multiplied during 1920's. Bratislava had registered 676 organization and societies in 1931, which was nearly tenfold compared to 1900. In years 1919 - 1939 there were about 30 to 40 Jewish associations in the city. With regard to their activities the Jewish organizations were divided as follows: religious organizations, charitable societies, mutual help and burial assistance societies, student and community based organizations, gymnastics and sporting clubs, professional associations and... | en_US |
uk.file-availability | V | |
uk.grantor | Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Ústav českých dějin | cs_CZ |
thesis.grade.code | N | |
uk.publication-place | Praha | cs_CZ |
dc.identifier.lisID | 990014413940106986 | |