Odhad rozložení přízemních koncentrací od bodových zdrojů v komplikovaném terénu metodou simulace v aerodynamickém tunelu
Estimation of the distribution of groundconcentrations from point sources in complex terrain-by simulation in the wind-tunnel
rigorous thesis (DEFENDED)
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Study Information System: 82335
- Kvalifikační práce [11216]
Keder, Josef
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Meteorology and climatology
Department of Atmospheric Physics
Date of defense
2. 2. 2010
Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakultaLanguage
Odhad rozlozem pfizemnfch koncentracf od bodovych zdroju v komplikovanem terenu metodou simulace v aerodynamickem tunelu Eva Plasilova 2009 Univerzita Karlova v Praze Matematicko-fyzikalni fakulta Katedra meteorologie a ochrany prostredi V Holesovickach 2 18000 PrahaS Akademie ved Ceske republiky Ustav termomechaniky, v. v. i. Dolejskova 5 18200 PrahaS Abstrakt rigorozni prace Ukolem teto prace bylo sledovat chovani a odhadnout koncentrace znecisfujicich latek v ovzdusi, a to na zmensenem modelu (1:1000) mesta Jablonne nad Orlici. Jako technicke reseni problemu bylo vybrano fyzikalni modelovani v aerodynamickem tunelu. Nejprve vymezuji dulezite pojmy (pfedevsim turbulence, mezni wstva atmosfery), ukazuji aproximace rovnic popisujicich proudeni tekutiny, popisuji vlastnosti aerodynamickeho tunelu, tvorbu ryzikalniho modelu a metody mefeni. Behem mereni jsme odhadovali pfizemni koncentrace kvalitativne (vizualizaci - pomoci laseroveho noze) i kvantitativne (pomoci infracerveneho analyzatoru IREX a plamenoveho ionizacniho detektoru FID). Prokazali jsme ^sokou imisni zatez v huste obydlene casti mesta Jablonne nad Orlici. Nektere vysledky byly pouzity pfi podani oficialni zadosti o zavedeni plynu do mesta. Z hlediska teoretickeho jsme potvrdili vliv terenu na sifeni znecisteni. Porovnali jsme zpusob mefeni...
Estimation of the distribution of ground concentrations from point sources in complex terrain - by simulation in the wind-tunnel Eva Plasilova 2009 - Charles University in Prague Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Department of Meteorology and Environment Protection V Holesovickach 2 18000 PrahaS Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Institute of thermomechanics, v. v. i. Dolejskova 5 18200 PrahaS Abstract of rigorousthesis Task of this work has been to monitor the behaviour and to estimate the concentration of pollutants in atmosphere. To-this purpose was selected as a model town Jablonne nad Orlici and as a technical solution to the problem was physical modeling in the wind-tunnel (in scale 1:1000). First of all, I define important terms (mainly turbulence, atmospheric boundary layer), equations: that describe atmospheric motions, and give account of wind-tunnel and methods of measurement. I estimated the concentrations above the ground qualitatively (vissually - using laser knife) and quantitatively (using the infrared analyzer IREX and the flame ionization detector FID). . High imission load in a densely settled part of the town Jablonne nad Orlici was demonstrated. From the theoretical point of view I tested the influence of the complex terrain and of the source-parameters on the dispersion of...