Now showing items 1-1 of 1
Jazyková charakteristika gibraltarské mluvy yanito/llanito
Language characteristics of the Gibraltarian speech yanito/llanito
diploma thesis (NOT DEFENDED)
Advisor: Čermák, Petr
Date Issued: 2016
Date of defense: 07. 09. 2016
Faculty / Institute: Filozofická fakulta / Faculty of Arts
Abstract: Cílem této diplomové práce je přiblížit a popsat základní aspekty jazykové situace na Gibraltaru. V úvodu je stručně shrnut kulturně-historický kontext a v jeho rámci je analyzována otázka gibraltarské národní a jazykové ...
The main aim of this thesis is to explain and describe the basic aspects of the language situation in Gibraltar. In the introduction is briefly summarized the cultural and historical context in which the question of ...
The main aim of this thesis is to explain and describe the basic aspects of the language situation in Gibraltar. In the introduction is briefly summarized the cultural and historical context in which the question of ...