Now showing items 1-1 of 1
Volný čas a aktivity v přírodě u studentů gymnázia na Praze 3
Leisure time and outdoor activities among students of grammar school in Prague 3.
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Psohlavec, Lukáš
Date Issued: 2023
Date of defense: 15. 06. 2023
Faculty / Institute: Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu / Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Abstract: Název práce: Volný čas a aktivity v přírodě u studentů gymnázia na Praze 3. Cíle: Cílem diplomové práce bylo zjistit, jaké aktivity zařazují studenti ve svém volném čase a zda se věnují i aktivitám v přírodě. Metody: ...
Title: Leisure time and outdoor activities among students of grammar school in Prague 3. Objectives: The aim of the diploma thesis was to find out what activities students include in their free time and whether they also ...
Title: Leisure time and outdoor activities among students of grammar school in Prague 3. Objectives: The aim of the diploma thesis was to find out what activities students include in their free time and whether they also ...