Now showing items 1-1 of 1
Essays on the Economics of Migration
Essays on the Economics of Migration
dissertation thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Jeong, Byeongju
Date Issued: 2015
Date of defense: 16. 06. 2015
Faculty / Institute: Fakulta sociálních věd / Faculty of Social Sciences
Abstract: Úvod Tato disertační práce se skládá ze čtyř kapitol, které jsem napsal během svého Ph.D. studia na CERGE- EI. Jako migrant jsem cítil, že moje osobní zkušenost s migrací má v sobě něco jedinečného, co bych měl sdílet, ...
Introduction This dissertation consists of four chapters, which I wrote during my Ph.D. studies at CERGE-EI. Being a migrant, I felt that my personal migration experience had something unique to share and this is how the ...
Introduction This dissertation consists of four chapters, which I wrote during my Ph.D. studies at CERGE-EI. Being a migrant, I felt that my personal migration experience had something unique to share and this is how the ...