Now showing items 21-30 of 83
Essays on Social Welfare Systems, Education and Agglomeration across the EU
Essays on Social Welfare Systems, Education and Agglomeration across the EU
dissertation thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Jurajda, Štěpán
Date Issued: 2010
Date of defense: 27. 08. 2010
Faculty / Institute: Fakulta sociálních věd / Faculty of Social Sciences
Abstract: The thesis focuses on three topics of interest: the difference between native and immigrant welfare receipts, returns to education due to educational mismatch between natives and the foreign-born employees, and the effects ...
The thesis focuses on three topics of interest: the difference between native and immigrant welfare receipts, returns to education due to educational mismatch between natives and the foreign-born employees, and the effects ...
The thesis focuses on three topics of interest: the difference between native and immigrant welfare receipts, returns to education due to educational mismatch between natives and the foreign-born employees, and the effects ...
Essays on Fairness, Inequality, and Uncertainty
Essays on Fairness, Inequality, and Uncertainty
dissertation thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Ortmann, Andreas
Date Issued: 2017
Date of defense: 26. 01. 2017
Faculty / Institute: Fakulta sociálních věd / Faculty of Social Sciences
Abstract: Essays on Fairness, Inequality, and Uncertainty Pojednání o spravedlnosti, nerovnosti a nejistotě Vítězslav Babický Abstrakt Využívané teorie spravedlnosti (např. Bolton, Ockenfels, 2000, a Fehr, Schmidt, 1999) typicky ...
Chapter I. Recent theories of fairness (e.g., Bolton & Ockenfels, 2000; Fehr & Schmidt, 1999) have typically used the assumption of ex ante known pie size. Here I explore theoretically the ramifications of pie size ...
Chapter I. Recent theories of fairness (e.g., Bolton & Ockenfels, 2000; Fehr & Schmidt, 1999) have typically used the assumption of ex ante known pie size. Here I explore theoretically the ramifications of pie size ...
Essays on Social Interactions and Policy Evaluation
dissertation thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Jurajda, Štěpán
Date Issued: 2010
Date of defense: 26. 11. 2010
Faculty / Institute: Fakulta sociálních věd / Faculty of Social Sciences
Abstract: V první části této disertace navrhuji novou identifikační strategii, která pomáhá odhadnou vliv vrstevníků na kouření mládeže. Tato strategie využívá institucionálního uspořádání českého středoškolského systému a informací ...
In the first part, I explore the start of daily smoking, which is often after the re-sorting of students between elementary and secondary education. I employ a novel identification strategy based on this re-sorting, in ...
In the first part, I explore the start of daily smoking, which is often after the re-sorting of students between elementary and secondary education. I employ a novel identification strategy based on this re-sorting, in ...
Essays on Sports Economics
Eseje o sportovní ekonomii
dissertation thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Hanousek, Jan
Date Issued: 2018
Date of defense: 12. 10. 2018
Faculty / Institute: Fakulta sociálních věd / Faculty of Social Sciences
Abstract: In the first chapter, I examine the effects of emotional shocks on subjective wellbeing and the role social context plays in how shocks are experienced. Using data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), ...
První kapitola zkoumá roli emocionálních šoků na subjektivní ohodnocení blahobytu občanů a to, jakou roli v prožívání těchto šoků hraje společenský kontext. Studie využívá data z dotazníkového šetření Behavioral Risk Factor ...
První kapitola zkoumá roli emocionálních šoků na subjektivní ohodnocení blahobytu občanů a to, jakou roli v prožívání těchto šoků hraje společenský kontext. Studie využívá data z dotazníkového šetření Behavioral Risk Factor ...
Essays on International Migration
Essays on International Migration
dissertation thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Jurajda, Štěpán
Date Issued: 2014
Date of defense: 03. 06. 2014
Faculty / Institute: Fakulta sociálních věd / Faculty of Social Sciences
Abstract: Essays on International Migration Abstract In my dissertation I address issues related to international mi- gration and its economic impact on the migrants' sending regions. For the empirical analysis I use data from ...
Essays on International Migration Abstract In my dissertation I address issues related to international mi- gration and its economic impact on the migrants' sending regions. For the empirical analysis I use data from ...
Essays on International Migration Abstract In my dissertation I address issues related to international mi- gration and its economic impact on the migrants' sending regions. For the empirical analysis I use data from ...
The Role of Beauty in the Labor Market
The Role of Beauty in the Labor Market
dissertation thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Katuščák, Peter
Date Issued: 2012
Date of defense: 16. 11. 2012
Faculty / Institute: Fakulta sociálních věd / Faculty of Social Sciences
Abstract: Tato studie odhaluje novou oblast v ekonomii trhu práce poskytnutím přímých důkazů o potenciální diskriminaci mezi atraktivními a neatraktivními žadateli o práci. Studie využívá terénní experiment, takzvaný "CV přístup ...
The present study breaks new ground in labor economic research by providing direct evidence of potential discrimination among attractive and unattractive job candidates. It utilizes a field experiment, the so-called 'CV ...
The present study breaks new ground in labor economic research by providing direct evidence of potential discrimination among attractive and unattractive job candidates. It utilizes a field experiment, the so-called 'CV ...
Empirical Essays on Crises, Reforms and Growth
Empirical Essays on Crises, Reforms and Growth
dissertation thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Lízal, Lubomír
Date Issued: 2014
Date of defense: 21. 02. 2014
Faculty / Institute: Fakulta sociálních věd / Faculty of Social Sciences
Abstract: Introduction (Czech version) Tato práce se zaměřuje na tři empirická témata relevantní pro veřejné poli- tiky. Zaprvé, jak bankovní krize ovlivňují finanční reformy? Data ukazují, že bankovní krize produkují v průběhu času ...
Introduction This work addresses three policy-relevant empirical issues. First, how do banking crises affect financial reforms? It turns out that banking crises pro- duce a variety of reform patterns in the financial sector ...
Introduction This work addresses three policy-relevant empirical issues. First, how do banking crises affect financial reforms? It turns out that banking crises pro- duce a variety of reform patterns in the financial sector ...
Essays on Public Finance
dissertation thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Hanousek, Jan
Date Issued: 2016
Date of defense: 15. 08. 2016
Faculty / Institute: Fakulta sociálních věd / Faculty of Social Sciences
Abstract: Tato dizertace se věnuje dvěma v současnosti často diskutovaným tématům v oblasti veřejných financí: šedé ekonomice (a vlivu, který na ni má zavedení rovné daně) a daním z finančních transakcí. První kapitola nabízí ...
This dissertation analyzes two presently widely discussed topics in Public Finance: relationship between the shadow economy and tax policy, and the effect of financial transaction taxes on the functioning of financial ...
This dissertation analyzes two presently widely discussed topics in Public Finance: relationship between the shadow economy and tax policy, and the effect of financial transaction taxes on the functioning of financial ...
Essays on the Effective Market Dynamics
Essays on the Effective Market Dynamics
dissertation thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Hanousek, Jan
Date Issued: 2012
Date of defense: 27. 02. 2012
Faculty / Institute: Fakulta sociálních věd / Faculty of Social Sciences
Abstract: Eseje o efektivní dynamice trhů Jan Novotný V první kapitole studuji za použití vysokofrekvenčních dat extrémní pohyby, neboli cenové skoky, hlavních akciových indexů z Prahy, Varšavy, Budapešti a Frankfurtu pro období ...
Essays on the Effective Market Dynamics Jan Novotný Abstract In the first chapter, I employ high frequency data to study extreme price changes (i.e., price jumps) in the Prague, Warsaw, Budapest, and Frankfurt stock market ...
Essays on the Effective Market Dynamics Jan Novotný Abstract In the first chapter, I employ high frequency data to study extreme price changes (i.e., price jumps) in the Prague, Warsaw, Budapest, and Frankfurt stock market ...
Boundedly Rational Consumers and Complex Pricing Schemes
Boundedly Rational Consumers and Complex Pricing Schemes
dissertation thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Celik, Levent
Date Issued: 2013
Date of defense: 10. 05. 2013
Faculty / Institute: Fakulta sociálních věd / Faculty of Social Sciences
Abstract: V této dizertační práci se věnuji dvěma propojeným problémům. Zaprvé se snažím zjistit, jakým způsobem si spotřebitel vybírá z množiny komplexních cenových schémat. Navrhuji dva laboratorní experimenty, ve kterých je vždy ...
The dissertation is dedicated to two interconnected questions. First, I try to understand how consumers choose from a set of complex pricing schemes. I design two lab experiments that generate rich datasets allowing to ...
The dissertation is dedicated to two interconnected questions. First, I try to understand how consumers choose from a set of complex pricing schemes. I design two lab experiments that generate rich datasets allowing to ...