Now showing items 1-1 of 1
Efektivita predikčních trhů: případ Intradu
Efficiency of the prediction markets: case of Intrade
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Dózsa, Martin
Date Issued: 2013
Date of defense: 09. 09. 2013
Faculty / Institute: Fakulta sociálních věd / Faculty of Social Sciences
Abstract: 1 Abstrakt Bakalářská práce potvrzuje hypotézu slabé tržní efektivity na politických trzích pro události na Intrade predikčním trhu, které skončily mezi 1. říjnem 2012 a 31. prosincem 2012. Tři testy jednotkového kořene, ...
1 Abstract Bachelor thesis confirms weak market efficiency hypothesis for political events, which took place on Intrade prediction market and finished between 1. October and 31. December 2012. Three unit root tests, ADF ...
1 Abstract Bachelor thesis confirms weak market efficiency hypothesis for political events, which took place on Intrade prediction market and finished between 1. October and 31. December 2012. Three unit root tests, ADF ...