Now showing items 1-2 of 2
Učebnice formou komiksu. Se Supermanem to dáš.
Comics learning book. You can handel it with Superman.
diploma thesis (NOT DEFENDED)
Advisor: Jakubcová Hajdušková, Lucie
Date Issued: 2014
Date of defense: 01. 09. 2014
Faculty / Institute: Pedagogická fakulta / Faculty of Education
Abstract: ŠNAJDROVÁ, Marie. Učebnice formou komiksu. /Diplomová práce/ Praha 2014 - Universita Karlova, Pedagogická fakulta, katedra výtvarné výchovy, 81 stran Práce pojednává o komiksu jako osobitém umění vhodném i pro vzdělávání. ...
ŠNAJDROVÁ, Marie. Learning book like a comics /Thesis/ Prague 2014 - Charles University, Faculty of education, department of art education, 81 pages. The thesis deals with comics as a peculiar art which is suitable for ...
ŠNAJDROVÁ, Marie. Learning book like a comics /Thesis/ Prague 2014 - Charles University, Faculty of education, department of art education, 81 pages. The thesis deals with comics as a peculiar art which is suitable for ...
Normalita, umění a výchova
Normality, art and education
bachelor thesis (NOT DEFENDED)
Advisor: Svatošová, Zuzana
Date Issued: 2020
Date of defense: 09. 09. 2020
Faculty / Institute: Pedagogická fakulta / Faculty of Education
Abstract: Ve své bakalářské práci si kladu za cíl zmapovat vnímání normality a její vztah k jednotlivým oborům, které si myslím, že pro tento pojem mají význam a pomohou k jejímu lepšímu poznání. Ovšem je normalita pojem, který lze ...
In my bachelor's thesis, I aim to map the perception of normality and its relationship to individual fields, which I think are important for this concept and will help to better understand it. But is normality a concept ...
In my bachelor's thesis, I aim to map the perception of normality and its relationship to individual fields, which I think are important for this concept and will help to better understand it. But is normality a concept ...