Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Česká a francouzská recepce románů Žert a Totožnost Milana Kundery
Czech and french reception of novels The Joke and Identity by Milan Kundera
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Janoušek, Pavel
Date Issued: 2009
Date of defense: 25. 05. 2009
Faculty / Institute: Pedagogická fakulta / Faculty of Education
Abstract: Diplomová práce s názvem Česká a francouzská recepce románů Žert a Totožnost Milana Kundery se věnuje kritickému ohlasu česky psaného románu Žert z roku 1967 a francouzský psanému románu Totožnost z roku 1997. V oddíle o ...
Thesis entitled Czech and french reception of novels The Joke and Identity from Milan Kundera inquire into critical acceptance of czech written novel The Joke from 1967 and french written novel Identity from 1997. In ...
Thesis entitled Czech and french reception of novels The Joke and Identity from Milan Kundera inquire into critical acceptance of czech written novel The Joke from 1967 and french written novel Identity from 1997. In ...
Jazyková analýza reklamních textů z hlediska věkové kategorie recipientů
Linguistic analysis of advertising texts in terms of age cathegory
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Chejnová, Pavla
Date Issued: 2009
Date of defense: 27. 05. 2009
Faculty / Institute: Pedagogická fakulta / Faculty of Education
Abstract: Ve své práci se zabývám reklamami a jejich strategiemi z hlediska věku recipienta. Zaměřila jsem se na reklamy komerční, a to reklamy televizní a reklamy tištěné v časopisech a novinách. Hodnotila jsem manipulační strategie ...
In my thesis, I focused on advertisements and their impact on the recipients according to their age. I concentrated on commerce advertisements; mainly from TV, newspaper and magazines. I assessed manipulative strategies ...
In my thesis, I focused on advertisements and their impact on the recipients according to their age. I concentrated on commerce advertisements; mainly from TV, newspaper and magazines. I assessed manipulative strategies ...
Prostředky akceptability v českých časopisech pro děti
The means of acceptability in Czech children's magazines
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Daněk, Jan
Date Issued: 2009
Date of defense: 25. 05. 2009
Faculty / Institute: Pedagogická fakulta / Faculty of Education
Abstract: Diplomová práce mapuje nabídku časopisů pro děti a mládež na českém trhu. Na vybraném vzorku titulů analyzuje aplikované prostředky akceptability. Problematika je zpracována v kontextu časopisů jako komodit. Studie poukazuje ...
This thesis surveys the supply o f children's and young people's magazines available on market in the Czech Republic. On basis o f selected samples, the work analyses employed means o f acceptability. The issue is discussed ...
This thesis surveys the supply o f children's and young people's magazines available on market in the Czech Republic. On basis o f selected samples, the work analyses employed means o f acceptability. The issue is discussed ...
Prozaik Vilém Mrštík
Prosaist Vilém Mrštík
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Stejskalová, Anna
Date Issued: 2009
Date of defense: 13. 01. 2009
Faculty / Institute: Pedagogická fakulta / Faculty of Education
Abstract: Vilém Mrštík patřil k nejvýznamnějším autorům 90.let 19. století. Byl průkopníkem nového směru v literatuře - naturalismu. Zabýval se překladatelskou činností, prózou, dramatem, ale i poezií. Do povědomí veřejnosti se ...
Prosaist Vilém Mrštík belonged to the most important writers of 90th ages of 19th century. He was a initiator of new movement in literature - naturalism. He occupyed onself with translation activity, prose, drama and also ...
Prosaist Vilém Mrštík belonged to the most important writers of 90th ages of 19th century. He was a initiator of new movement in literature - naturalism. He occupyed onself with translation activity, prose, drama and also ...