Now showing items 1-1 of 1
Poetika russkogo roka
Poetics of Russian rock
Poetika ruského rocku
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Hříbková, Radka
Date Issued: 2014
Date of defense: 26. 05. 2014
Faculty / Institute: Pedagogická fakulta / Faculty of Education
Abstract: Bakalářská práce se věnuje fenoménu ruské kultury a literatury poslední třetiny 20. století - ruské rockové poezii. Její unikátnost spočívá ve zvýšené pozornosti k obsahové stránce textů, což literárním vědcům umožňuje ...
This paper is dedicated to the phenomenon of Russian culture and literature of the last third of the 20th century, specifically, Russian rock poetry. In particular, this paper draws attention to the text of Russian rock ...
This paper is dedicated to the phenomenon of Russian culture and literature of the last third of the 20th century, specifically, Russian rock poetry. In particular, this paper draws attention to the text of Russian rock ...