Now showing items 1-2 of 2
Literární tradice a současnost Benešova a okolí
Literary tradition and the contemporary region of Benešov
rigorous thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Stejskalová, Anna
Date Issued: 2010
Date of defense: 06. 09. 2010
Faculty / Institute: Pedagogická fakulta / Faculty of Education
Abstract: Rigorózní práce Literární tradice a současnost Benešova a okolí se pokouší zmapovat vývoj literatury ve zmíněné oblasti od baroka po současnost. Snaží se rovněž vyložit obsah pojmů region, regionální a hledá vztahy a vazby ...
The rigorous work of "Literary Tradition and the Contemporary Region of Benešov" is trying to map the development of literature in this area from the Baroque period to the present. It also aims to define terms "region" and ...
The rigorous work of "Literary Tradition and the Contemporary Region of Benešov" is trying to map the development of literature in this area from the Baroque period to the present. It also aims to define terms "region" and ...
Helena Malířová, typ emancipované spisovatelky
Helena Malířová, the type of emancipated authoress
rigorous thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Mocná, Dagmar
Date Issued: 2010
Date of defense: 06. 09. 2010
Faculty / Institute: Pedagogická fakulta / Faculty of Education
Abstract: Studie zkoumá životní osudy a literární dílo Heleny Malířové od jejího narození po vypuknutí 1. světové války. Spisovatelka je zde vykreslena zároveň s pokusem zmapovat tvůrčí vývoj v kontextu života a díla jejích výrazných ...
The study explores the life and literary work of Helena Malířová from her birth until the beginning of World War I. The authoress is depicted here in an attempt to map her development in the context of the lives and works ...
The study explores the life and literary work of Helena Malířová from her birth until the beginning of World War I. The authoress is depicted here in an attempt to map her development in the context of the lives and works ...