Now showing items 1-1 of 1
Detekcia intenzity v postojovej analýze češtiny
Detection of Intensity in Sentiment Analysis of Czech
Detekce intenzity v postojové analýze češtiny
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Tamchyna, Aleš
Date Issued: 2017
Date of defense: 20. 06. 2017
Faculty / Institute: Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta / Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Abstract: Postojová analýza sa zaoberá automatickou extrakciou subjektívnych informácií z textu. Cieľom práce je predpovedať intenzitu postoja v českých textoch. Na riešenie tejto úlohy sme pripravili dataset filmových hodnotení ...
Sentiment analysis is concerned with automatic extraction of subjective information from text. The goal of this thesis is to predict the intensity of attitude in Czech texts. In order to solve this task, we prepared a ...
Sentiment analysis is concerned with automatic extraction of subjective information from text. The goal of this thesis is to predict the intensity of attitude in Czech texts. In order to solve this task, we prepared a ...