Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Population perspects of Kazakhstan till 2030
Populační perspektivy Kazachstánu do roku 2030
dissertation thesis (NOT DEFENDED)
Advisor: Kučera, Tomáš
Date Issued: 2012
Date of defense: 13. 11. 2012
Faculty / Institute: Přírodovědecká fakulta / Faculty of Science
Abstract: Population prospects of Kazakhstan till 2030 Abstract Population change affects national income, national expenditure, and the demand for services such as education, health and transport. Therefore, information about future ...
Population prospects of Kazakhstan till 2030 Abstract Population change affects national income, national expenditure, and the demand for services such as education, health and transport. Therefore, information about future ...
Population prospects of Kazakhstan till 2030 Abstract Population change affects national income, national expenditure, and the demand for services such as education, health and transport. Therefore, information about future ...
Population perspects of Kazakhstan till 2030
Populační perspektivy Kazachstánu do roku 2030
dissertation thesis (NOT DEFENDED)
Advisor: Kučera, Tomáš
Date Issued: 2013
Date of defense: 24. 10. 2013
Faculty / Institute: Přírodovědecká fakulta / Faculty of Science
Abstract: Population prospects of Kazakhstan till 2030 Abstract Population change affects national income, national expenditure, and the demand for services such as education, health and transport. Therefore, information about future ...
Population prospects of Kazakhstan till 2030 Abstract Population change affects national income, national expenditure, and the demand for services such as education, health and transport. Therefore, information about future ...
Population prospects of Kazakhstan till 2030 Abstract Population change affects national income, national expenditure, and the demand for services such as education, health and transport. Therefore, information about future ...
Územní diferenciace migračních procesů v České republice
Spatial differentiation of migration processes in the Czech Republic
dissertation thesis (NOT DEFENDED)
Advisor: Kraus, Jaroslav
Date Issued: 2014
Date of defense: 11. 09. 2014
Faculty / Institute: Přírodovědecká fakulta / Faculty of Science
Abstract: Spatial differentiation of migration processes in the Czech Republic Abstract The aim of this study is to analyze internal migration in the Czech Republic and assess the extent to which selected indicators contribute to ...
Územní diferenciace migračních procesů v České republice Abstrakt Cílem této práce je podrobit analýze vnitřní migraci v České republice a posoudit, do jaké míry se vybrané ukazatele podílí na vnitřní migraci obyvatelstva ...
Územní diferenciace migračních procesů v České republice Abstrakt Cílem této práce je podrobit analýze vnitřní migraci v České republice a posoudit, do jaké míry se vybrané ukazatele podílí na vnitřní migraci obyvatelstva ...
Forecasting regional population developments in Kazakhstan
Prognózování regionálního populačního vývoje v Kazachstánu
dissertation thesis (NOT DEFENDED)
Advisor: Rychtaříková, Jitka
Date Issued: 2012
Date of defense: 26. 09. 2012
Faculty / Institute: Přírodovědecká fakulta / Faculty of Science
Abstract: Jazybayeva A.: Regional population forecast for the Republic of Kazakhstan 4 Regional population forecast for the Republic of Kazakhstan Abstract This dissertation has three objectives. The first objective is to present ...
Jazybayeva A.: Regional population forecast for the Republic of Kazakhstan 4 Regional population forecast for the Republic of Kazakhstan Abstract This dissertation has three objectives. The first objective is to present ...
Jazybayeva A.: Regional population forecast for the Republic of Kazakhstan 4 Regional population forecast for the Republic of Kazakhstan Abstract This dissertation has three objectives. The first objective is to present ...