Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Membrane phospholipids and protein kinase C in rat heart during postnatal development
Membránové fosfolipidy a proteinkináza C v srdci během postnatálního vývoje
dissertation thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Nováková, Olga
Date Issued: 2007
Date of defense: 21. 05. 2007
Faculty / Institute: Přírodovědecká fakulta / Faculty of Science
Abstract not found
Phosphatidylserine and phospholipid scramblase in mast cell signaling
dissertation thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Dráber, Petr
Date Issued: 2007
Date of defense: 26. 04. 2007
Faculty / Institute: Přírodovědecká fakulta / Faculty of Science
Abstract: 6. CONCLUSIONS 1. We found that mast cell stimulation can induce PS externalization in the absence of secretory response. 2. We identified GPI-APs as molecules whose engagement can induce sustained and reversible non-apoptotic ...
6. CONCLUSIONS 1. We found that mast cell stimulation can induce PS externalization in the absence of secretory response. 2. We identified GPI-APs as molecules whose engagement can induce sustained and reversible non-apoptotic ...
6. CONCLUSIONS 1. We found that mast cell stimulation can induce PS externalization in the absence of secretory response. 2. We identified GPI-APs as molecules whose engagement can induce sustained and reversible non-apoptotic ...
Avidin jako potenciální biopesticid a metody jeho analýzy
Avidin as a potential biopesticide and methods of its analysis
rigorous thesis (DEFENDED)
Date Issued: 2008
Date of defense: 03. 04. 2008
Faculty / Institute: Přírodovědecká fakulta / Faculty of Science
Abstract not found
Interakce vybraných flavonoidních látek se sulfotransferasou 1A1
Interaction of flavonoid compounds with sulfotransferase 1A1
rigorous thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Hodek, Petr
Date Issued: 2017
Date of defense: 21. 06. 2017
Faculty / Institute: Přírodovědecká fakulta / Faculty of Science
Abstract: V poslední době je věnována stále větší pozornost přírodním polyfenolickým sloučeninám, obsaženým v rostlinné stravě. Velkou skupinu těchto látek představují flavonoidy, které jsou obsaženy v mnoha doplňcích stravy. Spotřeba ...
Increased attention has recently been paid to the natural polyphenolic compounds contained in food of plant origin. Flavonoids represent a large group of phytochemicals that are contained in many dietary supplements. ...
Increased attention has recently been paid to the natural polyphenolic compounds contained in food of plant origin. Flavonoids represent a large group of phytochemicals that are contained in many dietary supplements. ...