Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Democracia, Indígenas y Pachamama: Análisis del discurso de Rafael Correa y Lenín Moreno entre 2007 y 2018
Democracy, Indigenous People and Pachamama: Analysis of the discourses of Rafael Correa and Lenín Moreno between 2007 and 2018
Demokracie, Indiáni a Pachamama: Analýza projevů Rafaela Correy a Lenína Morena v letech 2007 až 2018
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Buben, Radek
Date Issued: 2022
Date of defense: 07. 09. 2022
Faculty / Institute: Filozofická fakulta / Faculty of Arts
Abstract: The objective of the thesis "Democracy, Indigenous People and Pachamama: Analysis of the discourses of Rafael Correa and Lenín Moreno between 2007 and 2021" is to study and analyze speeches by both presidents of the Republic ...
Diplomová práce "Demokracie, Indiáni a Pachamama: Analýza projevů Rafaela Correy a Lenína Morena v letech 2007 až 2021" si klade za cíl analyzovat projevy obou prezidentů Ekvádorské republiky, provést komparativní analýzu ...
Diplomová práce "Demokracie, Indiáni a Pachamama: Analýza projevů Rafaela Correy a Lenína Morena v letech 2007 až 2021" si klade za cíl analyzovat projevy obou prezidentů Ekvádorské republiky, provést komparativní analýzu ...
Javier Marías y Juan José Millás: Comparación de Todas las almas y El desorden de tu nombre
Javier Marías and Juan José Millás: The comparation of All souls and The Disorder of Your Name
Javier Marías a Juan José Millás: porovnání Todas las almas a El desorden de tu nombre
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Sánchez Fernández, Juan Antonio
Date Issued: 2011
Date of defense: 21. 06. 2011
Faculty / Institute: Filozofická fakulta / Faculty of Arts
Abstract: V bakalářské práci jsem se zabývala porovnáním již zmíněných děl dvou současných španělských autorů, Javiera Maríase a Juana Josého Milláse. V první řadě jsem se pokusila o krátký nástin španělské novely 20. století, vybrala ...
The main objective of my thesis was to analyze the two works mentioned above. I tried to perform the analysis of both novels and discover the possible relations and similitudes. What unites them and where are the differences? ...
The main objective of my thesis was to analyze the two works mentioned above. I tried to perform the analysis of both novels and discover the possible relations and similitudes. What unites them and where are the differences? ...
El pregón y su influencia en el desarrollo del son en la obra poética de Nicolás Guillén
Pregón and its impact on the development of ultrasound in the work of Nicolas Guillén.
Pregón a jeho vliv na vývoj sonu v díle Nicoláse Guilléna
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Poláková, Dora
Date Issued: 2016
Date of defense: 04. 02. 2016
Faculty / Institute: Filozofická fakulta / Faculty of Arts
Abstract: (slovensky) Cieľom tejto diplomovej práce bolo zistiť vzťah medzi pregoneros, pouličnými predavačmi na Kube a avantgardnou poéziou kubánskeho autora Nicolasa Guilléna. K predpokladu, že tieto dva elemanty majú spoločné ...
(English) The aim of this thesis was to investigate the relationship between pregoneros, street vendors in Cuba and the Cuban avant-garde poetry of the author Nicolas Guillén. The assumption that both elements have common ...
(English) The aim of this thesis was to investigate the relationship between pregoneros, street vendors in Cuba and the Cuban avant-garde poetry of the author Nicolas Guillén. The assumption that both elements have common ...