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Čínská žena z nejnižší společenské vrstvy na konci císařství a počátku moderní doby
Underprivileged Chinese woman in late Qing and early Republican period
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Lomová, Olga
Date Issued: 2023
Date of defense: 09. 02. 2023
Faculty / Institute: Filozofická fakulta / Faculty of Arts
Abstract: Diplomová práce se zaměřuje na to, jak se změnil život žen nejnižší společenské vrstvy v době pádu císařství a po nástupu Čínské republiky a jejích modernizačních snah. Hlavním pramenem je "autobiografie" staré paní Ning, ...
The diploma thesis focuses on how the lives of women of the underprivileged social class transformed during the fall of the empire and after the accession of the Republic of China and its modernization endeavors. The main ...
The diploma thesis focuses on how the lives of women of the underprivileged social class transformed during the fall of the empire and after the accession of the Republic of China and its modernization endeavors. The main ...