Now showing items 1-1 of 1
Pás a stezka v Ugandě: případ CEFC
The Belf and Road in Uganda: CEFC Case Study
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Hála, Martin
Date Issued: 2021
Date of defense: 06. 09. 2021
Faculty / Institute: Filozofická fakulta / Faculty of Arts
Abstract: Bakalářská práce "Pás a stezka v Ugandě: případ CEFC" se zabývá tématem působení Čínské lidové republiky v Africe. Konkrétně na případu korupce vysoce postavených politiků v Čadu a Ugandě, z něhož byl v USA usvědčen Patrick ...
Bachelor thesis "Belt and Road in Uganda: CEFC Case Study" deals with the People's Republic of China's engagement in Africa. Specifically, it focuses on a corruption case of high-level politicians in Chad and Uganda. Patrick ...
Bachelor thesis "Belt and Road in Uganda: CEFC Case Study" deals with the People's Republic of China's engagement in Africa. Specifically, it focuses on a corruption case of high-level politicians in Chad and Uganda. Patrick ...