Now showing items 1-1 of 1
Chrámová architektúra amarnskej doby v Egypte
Temple Architecture of the Amarna Period in Egypt
Chrámová architektúra amarnskej doby v Egypte
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Krejčí, Jaromír
Date Issued: 2017
Date of defense: 30. 05. 2017
Faculty / Institute: Filozofická fakulta / Faculty of Arts
Abstract: Táto práca sa zaoberá chrámovou architektúrou v období vlády novoríšskeho panovníka Amenhotepa IV./Achnatona, ktoré nesie i označenie amarnská doba. V úvode predstavuje vývoj staroegyptského slnečného kultu do doby ...
This work deals with the temple architecture in the period of the reign of king Amenhotep IV./Akhenaten in the New Kingdom era, which is also called the Amarna period. In the beginning, this work presents a development of ...
This work deals with the temple architecture in the period of the reign of king Amenhotep IV./Akhenaten in the New Kingdom era, which is also called the Amarna period. In the beginning, this work presents a development of ...