Now showing items 1-2 of 2
Teorie modernismu a výtvarné umění
Theories of Modernism and Visual Arts
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Stejskal, Jakub
Date Issued: 2015
Date of defense: 10. 09. 2015
Faculty / Institute: Filozofická fakulta / Faculty of Arts
Abstract: Teorie modernismu a výtvarné umění Abstrakt: Cílem bakalářské práce je nastínit teorii modernismu, vztaženou k výtvarnému umění, z hlediska tří autorů. Práce nejdříve popíše hlediska Clementa Greenberga (jeho nazírání na ...
Theories of Modernism and Visual Arts Abstract: The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to outline the theory of modernism in relation to visual art as seen in three authors. Firstly, the work will describe Clement Greenberg's ...
Theories of Modernism and Visual Arts Abstract: The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to outline the theory of modernism in relation to visual art as seen in three authors. Firstly, the work will describe Clement Greenberg's ...
Umění, avantgarda a kýč v díle Clementa Greenberga a Matei Călinescu
Art, avant-garde and kitsch in works of Clement Greenberg and Matei Călinescu
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Kulka, Tomáš
Date Issued: 2011
Date of defense: 14. 09. 2011
Faculty / Institute: Filozofická fakulta / Faculty of Arts
Abstract: Bakalářská práce Umění, avantgarda a kýč v díle Clementa Greenberga a Matei Călinescu se zabývá problematikou kýče ve vztahu k avantgardě, k současnému umění a k výtvarnému umění obecně. Primárně vychází z esejí Avantgarda ...
Bachelor thesis Art, avant-garde and kitsch in works of Clement Greenberg and Matei Călinescu deals with kitsch in relation to avant-garde and to contemporary art, and to the visual arts in general. It is primarily based ...
Bachelor thesis Art, avant-garde and kitsch in works of Clement Greenberg and Matei Călinescu deals with kitsch in relation to avant-garde and to contemporary art, and to the visual arts in general. It is primarily based ...